Less punishment and more rewards


A story with activities to overcome impulsiveness and achieve serenity in the family

A fun, illustrated story and a series of original activities to learn how to successfully manage impulsiveness in children aged 6 to 11!

Less punishment and more rewards explains why punishing your child’s impulsive behaviours is useless, and instead proposes a simple story to talk to children with fragility in self-control of the many ways our brain functions that sometimes tend to take the form of defects but which, if properly managed, can turn into strengths.


The book is divided into 4 chapters and each chapter is divided into 6 sections:

  • section 1 in each chapter – Instructions for use – is dedicated to parents; 
  • section 2 presents the actual story about the four main “megahero” characters, to read together with your children;
  • in section 3Practicing my superpowers – some practical self-reflection activities dedicated to children are proposed;
  • section 4Now it’s our turn! – suggests some activities to be done together, parents and children;
  • section 5Let me think a bit – and section 6Dear parents… –  contain some questions addressed, respectively, to children and parents.

Finally, in the Appendix there are some guide questions which are useful to support the child’s reflection during some of the proposed activities.

Leaf through some pages of volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product


Gianluca Daffi has a degree in psychology and lectures at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and Brescia and at the Free University of Bolzano. He is a collaborator of the Erickson study center, coordinator and scientific manager of the training courses for Tutors based on the START method, creator of the series of games to develop executive skills “Play to Grow,” and creator of the professional figure of the Game Trainer®.