Ideas for sensitive interactions with children aged 0 to 3 years
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 17x24
Pages: 154
ISBN: 9788859001683
Publication date: 01/01/2013
Suitable for: Pre-nursery (ages 0-3)
Research has widely ascertained that the origins of thought, language and relational imprinting can be traced back to the original, preverbal experience of a child in his or her first three years of life, so much so that recent acquisitions in psychology talk of the mind which is incorporated and embedded in the body’s experience and elaborated in the fabric of human relationships.
In this book, arising from the experience of the ANUPI (National Association of Italian Psychomotor Specialists and Neuro and Psychomotor therapists of the Developmental Age), the author focuses on the centrality and potential of the body (play, movement, gestures, looks etc.) as the most important dimension of the psychic being, and the essential element in the creation of self, outlining the processes through which you can unravel the bodily experience of a child, starting from the primary relationship/dyad between the mother.
The book is targeted at nursery school educators, psychomotor skills specialists and therapists, but also those who work in parenting support for the 0-3 age group. It integrates scientific and concrete observations into a psychomotric interpretation, offering the model of an adult who does not pre-empt, over stimulate or impose him or herself on the child, but who, with profound awareness and attention, knows how to listen and tune in with the child in a dialogue made up of mirroring and transformations, in safe and facilitative settings and surroundings.
Foreward (Ivano Gamelli)
PART 1 - Life at nursery school
The psychomotor approach at nursery school
• In the infant section (4-12 months)
• In the young toddler section (12-30 months) and the older toddler section (24-36 months)
• Workshops
• The group
• Eating, sleeping and personal hygiene
Adults up against
• Educational tasks
• Pedagogical culture at nursery school
• A secure base for children
Children looking for an ear
• Gazes looking to be heard
• Stefano, Gloria, Licia, Mattia and Giovanni
PART 2 - Research 0-3 years
Early interactions
• Movement and then…
• The birth event
• Intersubjectivity
• Regulation
• Implicit experience
• Emotional system
The game of growing up
• The dynamics of development
• 0-2 months: musical harmonies
• 2-6 months: like a solar system
• 6-12 months: interior landscapes and adventure
• 12-24 months: a window on the world
• 24-36 months and beyond: to gaining power
PART 3 - Taking care of yourself
Experience therapy
• Imperfect mirroring
• Adults and care
Body and words training
Not only a clown
• Body knowledge