100 practical activities to train cognitive and motor skills
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9788859020837
Publication date: 01/03/2020
100 practical activities that professional educators working in retirement homes can use on a daily basis.
The activities offer cognitive reactivation by using activities that the elderly people used to do in the past: work with clay, with leaves, with corn cobs, with paper and other natural elements.
The programme proposed in the book is particularly useful in cases of dementia. An introductory theoretical part is followed by ten sections with a dozen activities organized by type of material.
The manual contains 10 sections, which hold an average of 10 cards each. All sections have an introduction by a person with experience in the field and are connected to each other by a reading card and the domino game. The activities refer to each other, creating an integrated set of activities that allows the worker to use them by placing them in their own cultural reality to suit the needs of the users.