Outdoor Didactics

Methodologies and programmes for primary school teachers

Michela Schenetti

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24cm

Pages: 272

ISBN: 9788859028284

Publication date: 01/05/2022

Suitable for: Primary 1st level (ages 6-7), Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


After the first scientific and methodological part, the book proposes rich and practical reflections, tools, educational programmes and teaching methodologies to primary school teachers, and educators to “teach” through direct immersion in the urban and natural external environment.  It provides tools and ideas to increase teaching opportunities outside the classroom, to design structured and coherent activities which promote interdisciplinarity and the development of skills with recent regulations on environmental protection and sustainable development, taking advantage of the opportunities offered from the context to observe, discover and relate in a perspective of inclusiveness and collaboration.

Introduction (in care of Michela Schenetti)

FIRST PART – Theories and methods
On the road to rediscovering our biophilic bond
The secret nature keeps closed in her hand
Cultural questions and methodologies regarding outdoor scholastic education
Outdoor Education in the Educational Avant-garde movement
Constituent elements of outdoor teaching
Research on outdoor education in Italy
Visions of the future in education and environmental policies

SECOND PART – Programmes and languages
Outdoor education enters primary school through a network of institutions
Educating to know how to be: philosophical thinking and emotions
A walk with Lucrezio
Outdoor play teaching
Open and cooperative school
From the shadow of the "pasture" to the light of a conscious gaze
Outdoor schools, an old innovative idea
Permanent workshops to promote experiential outdoor learning and the relationship with the territory
The Network of public schools outdoors
Inclusive education and outdoor teaching
Relaxing educational gardens
Architecture and outdoor education
Setting up a vegetable garden
Outdoor teaching in schools "with a strong migratory flow"
Outdoors with the classics
Illustrated books as precious school companions
Safe outdoor school
Art and nature: Land art at school
Playing with science: the importance of doing
Experiment: virtual laboratory for open teachers
Geography of the water that cannot be seen
Continuously outdoors
The naturalistic notebook between wonder and learning
Civic education takes shape outdoors