Numbers on the move

Numbers on the move

Learn to count with Gaia and her friends

Daniela Lucangeli, Nicoletta Perini


Gaia and her helper friends are ready for a new mission: to discover the bizarre planet where the Little Prince lives. However, a journey full of trials and challenges awaits them, which they can face and overcome only thanks to the superpower of numbers!

Numbers on the move is a fun game – created as part of the Model B612.Infinito project designed by Professor Daniela Lucangeli – that supports the prerequisites for learning mathematics: the ability to count, the recognition of numbers and quantities, and the memorization of the numerical sequence.

How does this happen during play? Every time they spin the spinner, it indicates a specific number. Children practice recognizing the number and naming it while moving along the course, so that they learn to connect the Arabic number to the quantity it represents.

Find out more!

The box contents

50 puzzle pieces

1 start card and 1 arrival card

1 spinner

16 challenge cards

10 mission cards

6 pawns

6 storm cards

10 tokens

Teaching objectives

  • Mathematics Prerequisites
  • Stable Order of the Number Sequence
  • Number/Quantity Correspondence
  • Principle of Cardinality

How to play

Numbers on the move features 2 game modes.

Children face challenges together to help Gaia and her friends reach their destination before the storm arrives.

Each child will have to work hard to reach the end of the path first, obtaining the prize token as Gaia’s helper.

Leaf through the instructions translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:

The Authors

Daniela Lucangeli is a full-time child psychology professor, vice rector of the University of Padua, president of the National Association for Specialized Teachers (CNIS), member of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IARLD) and president of Mind4children Spin- off at the University of Padua, as well as author of numerous national and international scientific journals.

Nicoletta Perini, Psychologist, specialized in Life Cycle Psychology and expert in Learning Psychopathology. She worked for about ten years as a clinical psychologist in centers that dealt with diagnosis and intervention in school difficulties. She currently works as an enterprise fellow at Loughborough University, carries out training activities for teachers on issues related to school problems and collaborates on various editorial and training projects with Erickson Research and Development.