Camillo Bortolato’s analogical method is now an APP

Camillo Bortolato’s analogical method is now an APP

With the new APP ‘In Flight with Mathematics’ children can integrate what they learn at school using the same tool at home. The famous ‘Line of 20’ that has revolutionized mathematical didactics can be used with smartphones, tablets, and interactive whiteboards (IWB).

A new and fun application to approach mathematics naturally and spontaneously, starting as early as nursery school.

Along with Pitti the Bird, children will have fun with many exercises and activities based on Camillo Bortolato’s Analogical Method, and will learn to take flight with mathematics, trying their skills with:

  • Intuitive recognition of quantities from 10 to 10,000
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Intuitive problem solving
  • Recognizing quantities with money
  • Pattern-based drawings to colour.


With ‘IN FLIGHT WITH MATHEMATICS’, children have the possibility to learn on their own. In the classroom, teachers can explore the lessons in a serene and cooperative environment, while parents can have the school program right at their fingertips in order to help their children.

In addition to the free version (available on the App Store and Google Play), which allows you to play and practice numbers right away with the first activities in “The House of Numbers,” IN FLIGHT WITH MATHEMATICS permits the following in-app purchases:

    Designed specifically for children, with eye-catching graphics and fun activities to capture their attention.
    Designed for classroom use, it contains a wide range of activities and exercises from which the teacher can freely choose according to the specific needs of the class, or individual student.
    Designed for use both at home and school, Story + Teacher Mode combines the features of the STORY version and the TEACHER version.

IN FLIGHT WITH MATHMATICS Story + Teacher Mode is also available in the following formats:

  • DIGITAL VERSION DOWNLOAD: for Windows and MAC, can be used with IWB
  • KIT VERSION book + software on a USB key: for Windows and MAC, can be used with IWB


The house of numbers

The house of numbers provides an opportunity for exploring the world of numbers, starting from the basic sequence of numbers from 1 to 10.

1. Count by 1

2. Count by 10

3. Count by 100

4. Count by 1000

5. Make the quantities

6. Make the numbers

7. Guess the quantity

8. The instrument


After having explored the world of quantities from one to ten thousand, we return to the beginning to deepen our understanding of the first two sets of ten, which are the most difficult.

1. How many dots 10

2. How many dots 20

3. Click the number

4. Biggest Number

5. Ordering

6. Naming numbers


Adding means “using glue”. To become experts, we proceed first with the Line of 20, then with dots, and finally without dots.

1. Animation of Addition

2. Line of 20

3. Line with dots

4. Instant additions


Subtraction means using scissors. We need to take away quantities from the line of 20 in the easiest way possible: from the end, the beginning, or the middle.

1. Animation of subtraction

2. Line of 20

3. Line with dots

4. Instant subtractions

Word problems

Word problems are like ghosts that have fun trying to scare us. But all we must do is turn on the light to make them disappear…the light switch is often hidden behind a word.

1. Answer

2. Click and drag

3. Choose

4. Colour

5. Complete

6. Build

7. Resolve

8. Euro

9.1 Final problems with pictures

9.2 Final problems without pictures


In this section, we discover that the adult world is within our reach. Instead of dots, there are cents but…. everything repeats itself.

1. Coins

2. Euro

Free use – (available in “teacher” mode)

Pattern drawings to captivate children with beauty

Drawing 1

Drawing 13

Drawing 19

Why the tablet works for teaching Mathematics

Here are some fundamental considerations from the teacher Camillo Bortolato.

  1. With the tablet…everything is present
    First, the tablet starts with everything present, condensed and available from the beginning on the main screen. This glimpse of the whole picture is intuition, that is, knowledge as a gift. On the tablet, the “synchronous” view wins over the sequential view – which has a before and after – typical of books, for example.
  2. With the tablet… everything has its place
    Besides having all of its contents summed up in the space of a screen, the tablet offers other advantages: each element is stable, each file, icon, or folder is fixed in its own place. This fixed place facilitates the immediate retrieval of information.
  3. With the tablet… icons win
    On the tablet interface, warm and friendly icons take the place of codes, and everything resembles emotion, as in reality. You will find innocent icons that can be recognized regardless of the language they speak or their country of origin. If you need to cut out something … click on the scissors!
  4. With the tablet…you move with your finger
    Another point of favour with the tablet is that you use your finger directly in the screen. You can say, “Goodbye keyboard, goodbye mouse, I don’t need you anymore!” Now look, touch, move things around, put things in the wastebasket that you no longer need, as if you had done it physically.

Discover the other books and tools of the Bortolato Analogical Method »