Clinical psychology / psychotherapy

Manual on Psychology of Psycho-affective and Sexual Development

Chiara Simonelli, Giulio D'Urso, Giovanni D'Angiò

In its most updated, expanded, and in-depth edition, the volume frames psychoaffective and sexual ...

Product : Book

The Polyvagal Theory in practice

Antonella Montano, Valentina Iadeluca

The volume provides a comprehensive overview of every aspects regarding Polyvagal Theory, which ...

Product : Book


Irene Cristina Mammarella, Cristina Toso, Francesca Neele Stefani

New edition of the BVS-Corsi Battery, (updated from the 2008 version edited by Mammarella, Toso, ...

Product : Book

Trauma and psychopathology

Stefano Vicari

Nowadays there are still too many children who are victims of unrecognized violence and therefore ...

Product : Book

Cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Gabriele Melli, Claudia Carraresi

The volume provides practical indications for the correct classification and evaluation of the ...

Product : Book

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder

Fabrizio Didonna

A manual full of clinical and technical details, it provides a new and effective theoretical and ...

Product : Book

Schema Therapy for Pathological Narcissism

Nicola Marsigli, Duccio Baroni

The volume outlines a therapeutic program that allows a different treatment with respect to the ...

Product : Book

Affection Addiction

Giulia Calamai, Laura Caccico, Antonella Lebruto, Valentina Ciorciari

Affection addiction is comparable to behavioural addictions and is particularly characterized by the ...

Product : Book


Claudio Sica, Luigi Rocco Chiri, Riccardo Favilli, Igor Marchetti

Q-PAD, a new edition which has been updated on the basis of the most recent scientific research and ...

Product : Book

EMDR Therapy

Maria Zaccagnino

A technical and detailed manual on EMDR therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, it ...

Product : Book

Strategic Psychotherapy Manual

Fabio Leonardi, Francesco Tinacci

A practical and complete volume aimed at outlining the status of the art of strategic psychotherapy, ...

Product : Book

Living with multiple sclerosis

Silvia Bonino, Martina Borghi, Emanuela Calandri, Federica Graziano

The book offers a detailed description of the research and psychological intervention project of the ...

Product : Book

Psychotherapy Manual for the LGBTQIA+ Population

Antonella Montano, Roberta Rubbino

This updated and complete volume offers food for thought and useful pieces of information within the ...

Product : Book

Ageing Actively

Rossana De Beni, Michela Zavagnin, Erika Borella

Aging Actively is a manual for professionals and clinicians who work with the elderly.  It provides ...

Product : Book

Behaviour Disorders in Childhood

Pietro Muratori, Furio Lambruschi

In recent years, childhood behaviour disorders have spread to the point of leading researchers to ...

Product : Book

Parent training beyond the diagnosis

Agnese Tomassetti, Deny Menghini

This volume provides indications for working on dysfunctional behaviours that can occur even in the ...

Product : Book

Social isolation

Michele Procacci, Antonio Semerari

Patients suffering from social isolation are both poorly understood and poorly treated. This ...

Product : Book

Trauma intervention manual

Antonella Montano, Roberta Borzì

In the course of human history, few concepts have been at the centre of clinical and existential ...

Product : Book

Mindfulness for ADHD and neuro-development disorders

Deny Menghini, Cristiano Crescentini

This book has the primary purpose of describing in detail a training based on Mindfulness-oriented ...

Product : Teaching tools


Gioia Bottesi, Marta Ghisi, Silvia Cerea

Trichotillomania, which consists of repetitively tearing hair and / or hairs, is still a little ...

Product : Book

Clinical sexology

Vieri Boncinelli, Mauro Rossetto, Fabio Veglia

Sexuality is the result of a convergence of biological, psychological and cultural phenomena. In ...

Product : Book

Even Ogres are Afraid (Game)

Carlo Scataglini

A family of cowardly orcs, a path to follow to overcome one’s own fears and the knowledge that we ...

Product : Teaching tools

Fundamentals of Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy

Claudio Sica, Gabriele Melli

The models and techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy are among the clinical psychology ...

Product : Book

Managing social anxiety

Nicola Marsigli

Everyone wants to make a good impression and is afraid of being rejected so a little bit of anxiety ...

Product : Book

Perinatal clinical psychology

Pietro Grussu, Rosa Maria Quatraro

This book takes you into the world of perinatal clinical psychology on a journey through 15 chapters ...

Product : Book

Evaluating Hoarding Disorder

Caterina Novara, Susanna Pardini

Thanks to the evidence brought to light by some recent studies and what has emerged from the ...

Product : Book

Food Selectivity in the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Luigi Mazzone, Luigi Mazzone

Numerous dysfunctional behaviours can present themselves at mealtimes.  Among these, a particularly ...

Product : Book

Cognitive Profiles and Psychopathological Disorders

Stefano Vicari, Silvia Di Vara, Annarita Milone

This volume sheds light on the most recent aspects related to psychopathological disorders and ...

Product : Book

Hypochondria, Illness Anxiety Disorder and Somatic Symptom Disorder

Daniele Piacentini, Daniela Leveni, Marco Lussetti

Research carried out in recent years has demonstrated how hypochondria, or health anxiety, is a very ...

Product : Book

CBA-Y Cognitive Behavioural Assessment-Young

Ornella Bettinardi, Ezio Sanavio, Anna Maria Zotti, Giulio Vidotto, Paolo Michielin, Giorgio Bertolotti

The CBA-Y assesses the psychological wellbeing of youths aged 14 to 25. It is made up of 500 ...

Product : Book

Executive functions and developmental disorders

Stefano Vicari, Silvia Di Vara

Written by the leading Italian experts in Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology, the book covers the ...

Product : Book


Donatella Tomaiuoli

This manual provides a complete and detailed description and analysis of all the main aspects of ...

Product : Book

QBS 8-18

Gian Marco Marzocchi, Valentina Tobia

QBS 8-18 is a simple and intuitive tool that offers four questionnaires to provide a picture of the ...

Product : Book

Rational emotive behaviour therapy

Mario Di Pietro

Half a century on from its creation, REBT continues to be an essential point of reference for those ...

Product : Book

The land of child protection

Annalisa Vicari, Lucia Monicchi

Protecting children means respecting their individuality, making them aware of what they are going ...

Product : Book

TCS-A – Test on passing developmental tasks in adolescence

Paolo Gambini

The TCS-A aims to evaluate the passing of developmental tasks in adolescence, grouping them into 4 ...

Product : Book

Language of the heart

Claudia Perdighe

Every parent wants the best for their child and wants to be the perfect mum or perfect dad. It may ...

Product : Book

Obsessions and compulsions in children

Antonella Montano, Fabio Annicchiarico, Sofia Misuraca

Despite research having made huge progress in understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder and even ...

Product : Book

Parent training for ADHD

Cesare Cornoldi, Angela Paiano, Anna Maria Re, Emilia Ferruzza

It has by now been demonstrated that interventions for children with attention deficit or ...

Product : Book

The empty subject

Massimo Recalcati

This book investigates the new symptoms of our time and our civilization’s new discontents: ...

Product : Book

What story are you going to tell me today?

Elisabetta Maùti

Helping children talk about themselves, their problems and emotions is important. Parents can learn ...

Product : Book