Methodologies, tools and applications

Workshops in nature: the 4 seasons

Manuela Ruaben

The book presents 40 outdoor workshops for children in nursery school, to explore the languages ...

Product : Book

Educate according to nature in and outdoors

Lucia Carpi

An agile guide in which the author adopts a multidisciplinary and ecosophical perspective, that is, ...

Product : Book

The learning stations

Annalisa De Stasi, Elena Conte

This book presents a path that guides teachers in the exploration and implementation of ...

Product : Book

Education in the field

Associazione Shemà

Reflecting on the themes of the environment and ecology, the book provides operational indications ...

Product : Book

Move the School

Elisabetta Corti, Milena Ronchi

The book presents 160 activities designed to make physical activity an integral part of curricular ...

Product : Book

Workshops for the Development of Linguistic and Communication Skills

Tamara Bastianello, Giulia Fontana, Marinella Majorano

The volume offers 5 workshops with activities and cards designed to strengthen 5 different ...

Product : Book

Building inclusive environments with technology

Enrico Angelo Emili

A practical and direct volume that illustrates what assistive technologies are, and how these can ...

Product : Book

Documentation at the nursery school step by step

Denise Daddi

The volume supports the entire nursery work group in approaching documentation in a conscious and ...

Product : Book

Building a successful learning

Angelica Moè, Gianna Friso, Francesca Pazzaglia

Through a structured and scientifically rigorous theoretical section and agile operational modules ...

Product : Book

Manual activities to develop creativity – Montessori educational album

Paola Ceglia

Made with the scientific supervision of the Montessori Italy Foundation, the album offers activities ...

Product : Book

Giftedness and Talent: what to do and what to avoid

Lara Milan

In an agile and immediate format, this ready-to-use guide for teachers presents suggestions and ...

Product : Book

Lapbooks and interactive notebooks for learning to study

Giuditta Gottardi, Ginevra G. Gottardi

The volume analyzes the use of lapbooks, a three-dimensional conceptual map with which it is ...

Product : Book

We teach outdoors

Antonio Di Pietro

This volume collects ideas, tools, and interdisciplinary starting points to enhance the dimensions ...

Product : Book

Sketchnotes in the classroom

Elena Brugnerotto, Chiara Foffano

Sketchnotes in the classroom is a manual, a tailor-made training programme to regain possession of a ...

Product : Book

Flipped didactics in primary school

Annamaria Benzi, Claudia Incerti

The volume provides all the useful information to start a path of flipped teaching in primary school ...

Product : Book

Activities for learning mathematics – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi

Created with the scientific supervision of the Montessori Italy Foundation, the album offers ...

Product : Book

Reading and grammar activities – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi

Montessori’s Educational Album for Teachers provide teachers with a comprehensive operational ...

Product : Book

The development of talent and high potential

Lara Milan

A manual on Gifted and Talented Education, it presents models and approaches to develop the talent ...

Product : Book

Stories in Motion

Maddalena Fabbri Destro, Maria Chiara Bazzini, Valentina Gizzonio, Cosima Marsella, Pamela Papangelo, Giacomo Rizzolatti

The volume accompanies girls and boys, aged 3 to 6, in the story through the construction of ...

Product : Book

AC-MT 11-14 years

Cesare Cornoldi

The new edition of the AC-MT 11-14 tests for the assessment of the acquired level of calculation and ...

Product : Book


Cesare Cornoldi, Daniela Lucangeli, Nicoletta Perini

The new edition of the highly successful AC-MT 6-11 test ...

Product : Book


Antonella D’Amico, Martina Enea

The memory takes an indisputable part in the learning processes, in the sense that it allows us to ...

Product : Book

Montessori meets…

Sonia Coluccelli

What if Maria Montessori had lived through the decades between her death and today? She would have ...

Product : Book

CLIL mit LAPBOOK – Geografie – 5. Klasse

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Sofia Di Crisci


Product : Book

CLIL mit LAPBOOK – Geografie – 4. Klasse

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Sofia Di Crisci


Product : Book

CLIL mit LAPBOOK – Geografie – 3. Klasse

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Sofia Di Crisci


Product : Book


Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Sofia Di Crisci


Product : Book


Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Sofia Di Crisci


Product : Book


Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Sofia Di Crisci


Product : Book

Metacognitive Training for Intellectual Disabilities

Alessandro Antonietti, Silvia Celentano

Many daily actions, like taking the bus, following street directions, or getting ready to complete a ...

Product : Book

Let’s Turn the School Upside-Down

Maurizio Maglioni

There’s a new way of doing ‘school’ that is revolutionizing didactics and the extraordinary ...

Product : Book

Space and positions

Itala Riccardi Ripamonti

The primary objective of the «Space and Positions» cards, like their predecessors in the same ...

Product : Teaching tools

Colours and associations

Itala Riccardi Ripamonti

The primary objective of the «Colours and Associations» cards, like their predecessors in the same ...

Product : Teaching tools

Sequences and Relationships

Itala Riccardi Ripamonti

Designed for: speech therapists, psychologists, rehabilitation professionals, support and curriculum ...

Product : Teaching tools

Shapes and Logic

Itala Riccardi Ripamonti

Designed for: speech therapists, psychologists, rehabilitation professionals, support and curriculum ...

Product : Teaching tools

CLIL mit Lapbook – Naturkunde – 5. Klasse

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Cristiana Bianchi


Product : Book

CLIL mit Lapbook – Naturkunde – 4. Klasse

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Cristiana Bianchi


Product : Book

CLIL mit Lapbook – Naturkunde – 3. Klasse

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Cristiana Bianchi


Product : Book

Cognitive Processes in Learning

Marzia Bizzaro, Lorenzo Caligaris

This volume presents teachers and educational professionals with the implicit cognitive processes ...

Product : Book

The Montessori Method Today

Sonia Coluccelli, Silvia Pietrantonio

Can Maria Montessori still be a useful guide for teachers, educators, and families?  What does it ...

Product : Book

CLIL with LAPBOOK – SCIENCE – Fifth Grade

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Cristiana Bianchi


Product : Book

CLIL with LAPBOOK – SCIENCE – Third Grade

Sabrina Campregher, Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Cristiana Bianchi


Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year five: Mathematics, Science

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The PERSONALIZED TESTS series of books offers primary school teachers specific material for ...

Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year five: Italian, History, Geography

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The PERSONALIZED TESTS series of books offers primary school teachers specific material for ...

Product : Book

Maps workshop

Beatrice Pontalti

Maps workshop, an ideal follow-on from First maps, offers for primary years four and five a ...

Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year four: Mathematics, Science

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The PERSONALISED TESTS series of books offers primary school teachers specific material for ...

Product : Book

At school with no rucksack

Marco Orsi

Departing from the idea of the rucksack as an emblematic object, invented for armies and travellers ...

Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year four-Italian, History, Geography

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The PERSONALISED TESTS series of books offers primary school teachers specific material for ...

Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year three: Italian, History, Geography

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The PERSONALISED TESTS series of books offers primary school teachers specific material for ...

Product : Book

My first lapbook

Giuditta Gottardi, Ginevra G. Gottardi

The lapbook is a dynamic and creative collection of materials which falls under the scope of ...

Product : Book

I learn better with others

Daniele Novara, Elena Passerini

Being together, working in a group and handling relationships is a form of learning. This book ...

Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year One

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The two books in the Personalised tests –First Year and Second Year series contain over 150 tests ...

Product : Book

Personalized tests – Year Two

Ivan Sciapeconi, Eva Pigliapoco

The two books in the Personalised tests –First Year and Second Year series contain over 150 tests ...

Product : Book

Organising classes with the START method

Gianluca Daffi, Cristina Prandolini

This book offers a programme, which through activities with paper and pen, and workshops, helps ...

Product : Book

DIARIO START – Adventure at the bottom of the sea

Devised by Gianluca Daffi and Cristina Prandolini the DIARIO START - an Erickson revolution in ...

Product : Book

The didactics of differences

Heidrun Demo

The fact that different pupils in the same class do not learn in the same way is now indisputable. ...

Product : Book

SEN at school

The «Guides» series was created by Centro Studi Erickson with the aim of providing teachers with a ...

Product : Book

The Analogical Method

Camillo Bortolato

Only when you are deeply moved, you can hope to understand a child. The child will show you the ...

Product : Book

First maps

Beatrice Pontalti, Francesco Zambotti

A rich workshop based programme for children in their first three years of primary school, which ...

Product : Book

Calculation Strategies- Vol. 1

Daniela Lucangeli, Eugenia Pellizzari, Gian Marco Malagoli

This short and slick book is the first in a series of in-depth supplements to the manual Calculation ...

Product : Book

Calculation Strategies

Daniela Lucangeli, Eugenia Pellizzari, Gian Marco Malagoli

This book offers an original and creative approach to arithmetic operations (and more), which are ...

Product : Book

Teaching and learning with maps

Flavio Fogarolo, Marco Guastavigna

We have been using maps on a large scale in our schools now for several years and they are ...

Product : Book

Arithmetics in Practice

Anna Baccaglini-Frank, Alessandro Ramploud, Maria Giuseppina Bartolini Bussi

Social perceptions often link being good at maths to being intelligent and it is a well-known fact ...

Product : Book

The Line of 100 MAXI

Camillo Bortolato


Product : Teaching tools

The Line of 20 MAXI

Camillo Bortolato


Product : Teaching tools

The House of 1000 – wall posters

Camillo Bortolato


Product : Teaching tools

ADHD and homework

Gianluca Daffi, Cristina Prandolini

Homework is intended to enable the pupil to revise and elaborate on what the teacher has presented ...

Product : Book

Class management

Dario Ianes, Luigi Tuffanelli

There is much talk about education, but little about the art of teaching. How do we manage a class? ...

Product : Book

Learning with the analogical method and the interactive whiteboard (Full KIT: CD-ROM + book)

Camillo Bortolato

The interactive whiteboard is more and more present in Italian classrooms. This book with attached ...

Product : Software

Concentration and calm with patterns and mandalas

Camillo Bortolato

A new, riveting tool for helping children approach school in the calmest, the most fun and above all ...

Product : Book

Nursery school 1

Battista Quinto Borghi

What is the best way to introduce a child to nursery school? What should his or her day be like? How ...

Product : Book