
Workshops in nature: the 4 seasons

Manuela Ruaben

The book presents 40 outdoor workshops for children in nursery school, to explore the languages ...

Product : Book

Exploring and discovering the world

Valentina Demattè, Sabrina Rossi

The book - aimed at nursery school educators - offers 25 experiences to explore the physical world ...

Product : Book

Manual activities to develop creativity – Montessori educational album

Paola Ceglia

Made with the scientific supervision of the Montessori Italy Foundation, the album offers activities ...

Product : Book

Outdoor education with philosophy

Luca Mori

Doing philosophy outdoors helps children learn to observe and interpret nature, the landscape and ...

Product : Book

Activities with sensory materials – Montessori Educational Album

Martine Gilsoul

Created with the scientific supervision of the Montessori Foundation Italy, this book offers ...

Product : Book

Activities for learning mathematics – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi

Created with the scientific supervision of the Montessori Italy Foundation, the album offers ...

Product : Book

Reading and grammar activities – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi

Montessori’s Educational Album for Teachers provide teachers with a comprehensive operational ...

Product : Book

Activities for learning how to read and write – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi

The Montessori’s educational albums, created under the scientific supervision of the Montessori ...

Product : Book

Activities for the development of fine motor skills – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi

Created with the scientific supervision of the Montessori Italy Foundation, this volume offers ...

Product : Book

Practical Life activities – Montessori’s Educational Album

Andrea Lupi, Martine Gilsoul

Teacher Montessori's Educational Album - Practical Life activities, the first volume of a new series ...

Product : Book

Nursery school with the Montessori method

Andrea Lupi

What is a Montessorian nursery school? What theoretical premises is the educational offer based ...

Product : Book

The Rewards Briefcase

Fabio Celi, Jonathan Lisci

Children’s behaviour in the classroom depends on many factors: from their motivation, to their ...

Product : Teaching tools

A school in the woods

Michela Schenetti, Irene Salvaterra, Benedetta Rossini

In the woods children run amongst the trees, make stuff up, play with natural materials and learn ...

Product : Book

Enchantment and tales in the labyrinth of pictures

Marnie Campagnaro, Marco Dallari

Reading and listening to stories, retelling them and imagining them all over again enables children ...

Product : Book

Emotional competence in children

Ilaria Grazzani Gavazzi, Veronica Ornaghi, Carla Antoniotti

The book presents emotion education materials for pre-school and primary school based on research ...

Product : Book