My English Exercises 1
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm
Pages: 80
ISBN: 9788859033431
Publication date: 01/09/2023
Suitable for: Lower secondary 1st level (ages 10-11), Lower secondary 2nd level (ages 12-13)
The volume, an operational declination of the Tablet of English Rules, supports lower secondary school students in carrying out English exercises on all first-grade topics, sounds, “H” pronunciation, spelling, articles, names, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, present simple, present continuous, the modal can, prepositions, vocabulary, and much more!
How the notebook is structured
Each topic is introduced by cartoons that illustrate the rule and present how it works through a brief summary. If necessary, these summaries can be further explored in the Tablet of English Rules, where the student can review the same topics before moving on to usage. This is followed by a specially designed application exercises from the easiest to the most challenging, according to the principles of gradualness and accessibility which, step by step, lead the student towards autonomy in the use of the rule.
English sounds and letters
Vowels in English
The magic “E”
Silent letters
Accent and reduction of vowels
Pronunciation of “H”
Digraphs and trigrams
Definite articles
Indefinite articles
Plural of nouns
Gender of nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns
Qualifying adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Indefinite adjectives and pronouns
Possessive adjectives
English possessive
Personal pronouns as subject and object
Possessive pronouns
Question words
Spatial prepositions
Temporal prepositions
Verb: to be
There is / there are
Verb: to have
Present Simple and spelling changes
Adverbs of frequency + how often
Present Continuous and spelling changes
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Can for abilities
Talking about: origins
Talking about: family
Talking about: house
Talking about: sport and free time
Talking about: daily activities
Talking about: food
Describing a person – physical characteristics and personality
Describing a person – clothes
Describing a person – personal belongings
Reading comprehension
Listening comprehension
Lower secondary school
A new series of workbooks to review the main English topics, which are presented as the practical companion of the related Tablet of English Rules, for lower secondary school.
An immediate and easily accessible tool to support learning.
Each topic is preceded by a short and clear explanation, with examples to help students better understand the assignments and successfully complete the exercises. Two nice guides will help readers tackle all the activities, providing advice and suggestions.
Each topic is introduced by vignettes illustrating the rule and examples.
My English Exercises is a series designed above all to help the student carry out English exercises, both in the memorization and retrieval of linguistic information through diagrams and illustrations, and in the application phase of phonetic, grammatical, and lexical rules. It offers clear internal consultation aids.
Each volume presents various sections where the student can practice focusing on specific aspects of the language.
PHONOLOGY AND SPELLING sounds and letters, diphthongs, magic "e", accent and reduction of vowels, pronunciation of h
MORPHOLOGY articles, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, Saxon genitive, prepositions, verbs to be and to have, there is / there are, Present Simple and Continuous, adverbs of frequency + how often
LEXICON talk about origins, family, home, sports and free time, food, describe a person, clothing and personal objects
LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT (SKILLS) reading and listening comprehension
My English Exercises First Year
The volume covers the first year:
Leaf through some pages of the volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:
My English Exercises Second Year
The volume covers the second year:
Leaf through some pages of the volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:
My English Exercises Third Year
The volume covers the third year:
Leaf through some pages of the volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:
Antonella Pesce English language teacher at secondary school. She carries out research and training activities in the field of language teaching, with particular interest in language teaching accessibility, and she has published several essays and teaching materials.
Francesca Panzica A retired teacher, she has many years of experience in the field of language teaching and is an expert in technology. She collaborates with the ELIcom group of the University of Parma which deals with inclusiveness in the field of communication and language education.
Adele Iozzelli English language teacher at lower secondary school. She is a member of the ELICom group, focusing on learning environments, interpersonal dynamics within them, and strategies for promoting accessibility and self-efficacy.