What a mystery Mr. Brit! – Third grade

The infested castle investigation

Luciana Favaro, Francesca Panzica, Michele Daloiso

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 20x27cm

Pages: 56

ISBN: 9788859027690

Publication date: 01/03/2022

Suitable for: Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


mondo   Rights sold to: China Mainland, Spanish and Catalan worldwide, Turkey

A colourful and captivating workbook to introduce third grade primary school children to the main contents of the English language with fun activities accompanied by many illustrations and audio resources (accessible by QR code) for carrying out reading, writing, listening, and pronunciation exercises.  The activities are proposed with a gradual approach to the written word and include specific exercises on the phonological and spelling characteristics of English.

Narrative thinking
The proposed approach stimulates narrative thinking: the language work to be done is placed in a captivating narrative background about the adventures of Mr Brit, a nice old man who will have to solve a series of puzzles and mysteries. The story provides the framework of meaning necessary to stimulate motivation to learn and promotes the active participation of the child, who will help solve the mystery by playing the role of Mr Brit’s assistant.

Syllabus and QR codes
The syllabus used in the exercises is the same one adopted by Oxford in its primary school courses.  The exercises are enriched with a dictionary and QR codes that help boys and girls understand the correct pronunciation of words.

Mystery in English
The Mystery in English series is the fruit of a collaboration between the EliCom group (Inclusive Linguistic Education from the University of Parma), directed by Michele Daloiso, and Centro Studi Erickson.

The topics in this volume:

  • numbers

  • places in the home and in the city

  • furniture

  • recreational activities

  • sports

  • clothing

  • food



Mystery in Englsih – What a mystery Mr Brit! is a new fun and colourful comic series designed to bring primary school children closer to the main English language contents. The volumes offer original activities, accompanied by illustrations and audio resources accessible by QR code, for carrying out reading, writing, listening and pronunciation exercises: listen and act, mazes, crosswords, read and match, drawing, numbering exercises etc. The activities present a gradual approach to the written word and include specific exercises on the phonological and spelling characteristics of English.  In addition, they are enriched with visual clues to facilitate the understanding of the most used instructions and promote autonomy.


Stories to stimulate motivation. Mr Brit, a nice old man busy solving puzzles and mysteries, is the protagonist of the series. The proposed stories provide the framework of meaning necessary to stimulate the motivation to learn and promote the active participation of the child, who will help solve the mysteries by playing the role of Mr Brit's assistant.

The main character: Mr. Brit!

The case to solve

The suspects: which one of them is guilty?

Syllabus e QR code. The syllabus used in the exercises is the same one adopted by Oxford in its primary school courses. The exercises are enriched with a dictionary and QR codes that help boys and girls understand the correct pronunciation of words.


FIRST GRADE The disappearance of the blue cat

A fun and happy workbook to bring first grade primary school children closer to the main topic contents of the English language.  The topics in this volume include: numbers, colours, school materials, food, pets, action verbs, clothing, parts of the body, feelings, and family.

Find out more!

Leaf through some pages of this volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.

SECOND GRADE The strange case on four paws

A fun and cheerful exercise book to introduce children in the second grade of primary school to the main thematic contents of the English language. The topics of this volume: numbers, geometric shapes, seasons, clothing, rooms in the house, parts of the face, means of transport.

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Leaf through some pages of this volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.

THIRD GRADE The infested castle investigation

A fun and cheerful exercise book to offer children in the third grade of primary school the main thematic contents of the English language. The topics of this volume: numbers, places in the home and in the city, furniture, recreational activities, sports, clothing, food.

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Leaf through some pages of this volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.

FOURTH GRADE Theft on the beach

This volume deals with the main English language contents for the fourth grade of primary school. Topics: wild animals, food, days of the week, hours, daily routines, free time, physical appearance, the city.

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Leaf through some pages of this volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.

FIFTH GRADE Investigation on the field

The last volume of the series covers the main English language contents for the fifth grade of primary school. Topics include: football, shops, trades, road signs, housework, diseases, permits and prohibitions, natural environments.

Find out more!

Leaf through some pages of this volume which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.


Michele Dalosio Associate Professor of Modern Language Education at the University of Parma, he directs the EliCom research group (Inclusive Language Education and Communication) in partnership with the Erickson Study Center. He has numerous publications on inclusive language education to his credit, with attention focussed on childhood. For Oxford University Press he published the Inclusive English resource book for Primary School (2017) and the monograph Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the ELT Classroom (2017), winner of the Ben Warren Trust Prize of the International House. Luciana Favaro With a PhD in Language Sciences, her main areas of specialization are the approach to foreign languages ​​in the preschool and school context, the use of technology for language teaching and CLIL. She has participated in numerous research and professional development projects, and is a member of the EliCom Group directed by Michele Daloiso. She is the author of books published by both Erickson and Oxford University Press. Francesca Panzica A primary school teacher, she has many years of experience in the field of language teaching and is an expert in the use of technology in teaching. She has participated in numerous experiments with Indire, Il Cremit of the Catholic University of Milan and European Schoolnet and is a member of the EliCom group directed by Michele Daloiso. She is the author of books published by both Erickson and Oxford University Press.