You are memory

Didactics of memory: programs about Judaism and the Shoah in primary school

Matteo Corradini

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 20x17,5cm

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788859027522

Publication date: 01/11/2022

Suitable for: Primary 1st level (ages 6-7), Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


The volume proposes an attentive and aware education program about the Shoah, complete with theoretical and practical tools. It offers methodical indications, stimulating teachers’ personal openness towards these topics, and numerous working proposals to involve the classes in interesting practical paths.

The program is divided into 5 stages, each stage contains different proposals for in-depth study, research, expression, laboratory: from the exploration of Jewish culture to the mechanisms of prejudice and marginalization put in place by the Nazi and Fascist regimes, up to the start and the completion of the extermination of millions of people.

At the end of the program, the volume proposes 20 activities conceived as independent, but the individual proposals can be included in a broader framework.

You are memory

Memorial didactics: lessons on Judaism and the Shoah in primary school


« For didactic memory it is necessary to contextualize the Holocaust within a continuous path, understanding that that precise moment, so often depicted in books and movies, is the terminal point of a journey of hate, propaganda, violence and racist politics. » - (Matteo Corradini)

The volume

The book offers a journey of discovery of memory divided into 5 stages and 20 activities complete with theoretical and practical tools to talk about memory and the Shoah in primary school. It offers methodological indications, stimulating the personal openness of teachers towards these topics, and numerous operational proposals to involve the classes in interesting practical paths.


The activities proposed in this memory teaching manual are designed for students to have meaningful and formative experiences, and for their "remembrance" to be sensible and engaging.

Each stage of the process corresponds to general objectives, just as each single activity has specific objectives. The course is designed to train the teachers themselves and all those who wish to accompany students in an authentic and profound educational relationship.

Find out more!

Volume structure

The course is divided into 5 stages. Each stage contains various proposals for further study, research, expression, and workshops: from the exploration of Jewish culture to the mechanisms of prejudice and marginalization implemented by the Nazi and fascist regimes, up to the start and completion of the extermination of millions of people.  At the end of the course, another 20 independent activities, to be included in a broader framework.

The volume offers:

The description of the method and programme proposed by the author for teaching the memory of the Holocaust.

Reflections on the meaning and value of memory with the aim of helping us to become memories of the past ourselves.

A section with 20 activities to be proposed in class to talk about:

  • Jewish identity and culture
  • persecutions and prejudices
  • the first phase of extermination
  • the years following the Shoah

Leaf through some selected pages from the book that have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation:


Matteo Corradini is a Hebraist and a writer. He prepares musical readings, theatrical productions, and memorial teaching projects. A recipient of the Andersen Award 2018, he is one of the curators of the ‘writer city festival’ (Cuneo). Since 2003 he has been researching the Terezín ghetto, recovering stories, objects and musical instruments, and is one of the founders of the Institut terezínských skladatelů (Terezín Composers Institute) in Prague.


Discover the volume for LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL