Universal Teaching – History and Geography for grades 4-5

Annual planning, goals and work units

Ricerca e Sviluppo Erickson, Gianluca Amatori, Francesca Maria Corsi

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 344

ISBN: 9788859035978

Publication date: 01/05/2024

Suitable for: Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


A practical guide to “innovation through inclusion” in the teaching of history and geography in the third, fourth and fifth grades of primary school in a responsible and creative way. The guide is divided into three main sections: introduction to the concept of universal teaching and an explanation of the reference model, transversal indications for effective and inclusive teacher planning, teaching programming divided into goals and work units for teaching the subjects in each grade. Moreover, the guide presents activities and work programmes on History and Geography to encourage inclusive innovation through teacher planning aimed at achieving key goals and work units capable of developing learning and participation within the class group.

The Universal teaching series
The concept of inclusion, especially in the Italian school context, is linked to the world of classroom management of pupils with Special Educational Needs or disabilities, in order to meet the specific needs of some. The universal dimension of teaching proposes an overcoming of this logic and, on the contrary, presents itself as a programmatic action to plan a meaningful, truly inclusive learning programme that is based on the characteristics of the target group.
In this view, the “Universal teaching” series offers disciplinary teaching guides that encourage inclusive innovation through planning aimed at achieving key goals and work units capable of developing learning and participation throughout the class group.

Preface – The “Universal Teaching” series
Introduction –Strategies for planning inclusion
History – Third grade
Objective 1 – Identify sources and obtain information and knowledge of the past from different types of sources
Objective 2 – There is time and time
Objective 3 –Identify similarities and differences between different historical-social frameworks
History – Fourth grade
Objective 1 –Learn about the societies studied to identify relationships between groups and spatial contexts
Objective 2 – Understanding historical texts
Objective 3 – Knowing how to retell the facts studied
History – Fifth grade
Objective 1 – Read a historical-geographical map relating to the civilizations studied
Objective 2 – The civilizations of ancient Greece
Objective 3 –The Western system of historical time
Geography – Third grade
Objective 1 –Move and orient yourself consciously in the surrounding space
Objective 2 – Understand that the territory is a space organized and modified by human activities
Objective 3 – Knowing the landscape and the surrounding environment through the perceptive approach and direct observation
Geography – Fourth grade
Objective 1 – The morphology of the Italian territory
Objective 2 – Learn about the waters of the Italian territory and their influence on the climate
Objective 3 – Understand the concept of geographical space as the result of the interdependence of physical and anthropic elements
Geography – Fifth grade
Objective 1 – Extend your mental maps to the Italian territory, to Europe and to the different continents
Objective 2 – Europe
Objective 3 – Acquire the concept of geographical regions and political regions starting from the Italian context