Evaluation and care of children of migrants

Methods and tools for the identification of atypical language development in preschool age

Maria Cristina Caselli, Pasquale Rinaldi

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24cm

Pages: 144

ISBN: 9788859037033

Publication date: 01/09/2024


The text proposes a reflection on the bilingualism of children of migrants who live in conditions of educational and socioeconomic fragility, offering clinicians methodologies, protocols and tools for evaluating the linguistic skills of preschool children. It describes experiences of screening and taking care of bilingual children with fragility in language development with the aim of encouraging dialogue between services and families.

The Appendix and the online resources provide the assessment tools presented in the various chapters and a series of information leaflets on bilingualism (in Italian and other languages) aimed at parents.

Chapter 1 – Linguistic diversity: factors that contribute to understanding individual differences and indicators of developmental risk
Chapter 2 – Parents tell us: an interview on the Linguistic and Educational Contexts of Bilingual children – CLE-Bil to understand the context of the child's growth
Chapter 3 – The First Vocabulary of the Bilingual Child: a tool for the evaluation of expressive vocabulary in both languages
Chapter 4 – The experience of screening for the early identification of language delays in bilingual children in the Mantua area
Chapter 5 – A model for screening and taking care of bilingual children of migrants in the Fidenza area: collaboration with the cultural mediation service
Chapter 6 – Access to NPEE services by bilingual children: an increasingly pressing or interesting challenge?
Appendix A – The interview on the Linguistic and Educational Contexts of Bilingual children – CLE-Bil
Appendix B – The First Vocabulary of the Bilingual Child – PVB-Bil
Appendix C – Information leaflets on bilingualism for parents