Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9788859019312
Publication date: 01/09/2019
Suitable for: Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)
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A practical workbook designed to be a useful tool which accompanies children in their acquisition of mathematical competences related to powers.
The book presents students and teachers with a way of working that is primarily aimed at identifying problem-situations.
Before solving problems, it is necessary to recognize that there are situations “to be solved”. Only after understanding this, can the child learn to identify, construct and subsequently communicate, both verbally and through graphic representations, the structure-problem detected and the data available.
The process of problem building is therefore divided into a series of consequential phases:
The book is structured in two parts. The first part proposes activities for the “construction” of knowledge and is made up of 10 files, marked «Experiment». Instead, the second part proposes structured exercises to strengthen the knowledge already acquired and consists of another 10 cards, marked «Consolidation».
With Giulia, Marty, Teo and Luca, mathematics becomes child's play!
Workbook Friend is a series of practical books, edited by Silvana Poli, Carla Bertolli and Daniela Lucangeli, amongst the greatest experts in the psychology of learning, designed as handy tools to accompany lower secondary school students and those in their last year of primary school in their acquisition of basic mathematical competences.
How they are structured
Each book is divided into two parts:
The methodology: from the problem to the rule
The methodology can be summarised as follows:
In brief:
The learning process «from the problem to the rule» enables pupils to «build» logical mathematical concepts themselves. The latter are «traditionally» received in an already formalised way and conveyed mainly through verbal instead of visual and practical communication. In this way, pupils are motivated in their search for the result, which is also the solution to the problem. They are also better prepared to acquire, as class practice has demonstrated, greater command of the resolution mechanism.
The books:
• Geometry problems
Starting each time from initially very simple and gradually more complex concrete situations, this workbook involves boys and girls from lower secondary school in the "construction" of rules and concepts to solve geometry problems. More info »• Graphs, charts and statistics
Do you want to learn how to use graphs, charts and statistical calculations? Starting each time from concrete situations, the volume accompanies you in the construction and understanding of rules and concepts. More info »• Relative Numbers
What are relative numbers and what are they for? Taking its cue each time from problem situations, initially very simple and gradually more complex, this workbook involves lower secondary school students in the "construction" of the concept of relative numbers starting from real data. More info »• Perimeter and Area
What are Perimeter and Area for? Starting off with concrete situations and problems, students will “construct” the formulas used to calculate the perimeter and area of shapes. More info » Some pages from the book:
• Problems
What are problems for? Before solving problems, it is necessary to recognize that there are situations “to be solved”. Only after understanding this, can the child learn to identify problem-situations. More info » Some pages from the book:
• Measurements and equivalents
What are measurements and equivalents for? Starting off with concrete situations and problems, students will learn the rules and concepts of measurement of areas, volumes, capacities and weights. More info » Some pages from the book:
• Multiples and divisors
What are multiples and divisors for? Starting off with concrete situations and problems, the role of multiples, divisors and their calculation will be understood at an intuitive level. More info » Some pages from the book:
• Powers
What are powers for? Using their daily life experiences as a starting point, students will start thinking about the role of powers in math calculation. More info » Some pages from the book:
• Expressions
What are expressions for? Even though it is not often stated in maths books, expressions are used to solve concrete problems that present themselves in day-to-day life. More info » Some pages from the book:
• Fractions
What are fractions for? Based on their experience and knowledge of primary school, children may answer: «to divide a cake », «to use a tape measure», «to colour different parts». We are talking about explanations that are «simple» maybe but at the same time valid and plausible. More info » Some pages from the book: