Parents and children

The secret garden

Carlo Scataglini

The famous novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett is proposed here in a simplified version, edited by ...

Product : Book

Six little pixies in the world of emotions

Rosalba Corallo

The volume offers children, who wish to independently take a journey, a chance to discover emotions: ...

Product : Book

It’s logical, Mrs. Tiger!

Antonio Calvani, Benedetto Zanaboni

A colourful and engaging workbook, it offers 48 fun activities, organized into 4 sections of ...

Product : Book

Gaia’s journey into emotions

Valentina Colucci, Albina Cinetto

A fun story and many activities to promote the role of emotions in learning, of mistakes that become ...

Product : Book

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Carlo Scataglini

Jules Verne's famous novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth, is presented in a simplified version ...

Product : Book

The color race

Gabriele Mari

The color race is a fun game suitable for adults and children that brings back the typical fun of ...

Product : Teaching tools

Quick gestures

Donatella Colina

Quick gestures is a fun and engaging game to train the executive functions of children aged 5 and up ...

Product : Teaching tools

Throw the bait and fish!

Gianluca Daffi

Throw the bait and fish! is a card game for the whole family! In a fun and engaging way, players ...

Product : Teaching tools

The 10 activities to do together in the first 3 years

Daniela Lucangeli, Sara Pezzotti, Teresa Farroni, Laura Carnevali

The volume offers ten fun activities to carry out with children from 0 to 3 years old in order to ...

Product : Book

Andersen’s fairy tales

Carlo Scataglini

The volume offers 10 of Hans Christian Andersen's most beautiful fairy tales revised and re-proposed ...

Product : Book

That’s logical, Mr. Octopus!

Antonio Calvani, Benedetto Zanaboni

A colourful and engaging workbook, it offers 48 fun activities, organized into 4 sections of ...

Product : Book

The betrothed

Carlo Scataglini

The troubled story of Renzo and Lucia's love against the historical background of Lombardy in the ...

Product : Book

What’s it about?

Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini

Innovative games to enhance memorization skills through appropriateness or distance mechanisms. ...

Product : Teaching tools

I explore nature

Manuela Ruaben

The volume accompanies children on a discovery of the secrets of nature through the 4 seasons. It ...

Product : Book

Life of a tree told by itself

Luca Sciortino

A delicate and sensitive book, to communicate the fundamental concepts of ecology to children: to ...

Product : Book

Less scolding and more organization

Gianluca Daffi

A story, an experiential notebook, a collection of exercises and activities, to help parents and ...

Product : Book

Who do you tell?

Rosy Russo

Linked to the Parole O-Stili project, this volume invites students to reflect on the consequences of ...

Product : Book

War: the words to talk about it

Dario Ianes, Daniela Lucangeli, Alberto Pellai, Stefano Vicari

Through the voice of some of the most illustrious names in Italian psychology, pedagogy and ...

Product : Book

Weaning with mindfulness

Antonella Montano, Roberta Rubbino, Anna Claudia Massolo, Carolina Cassar

The volume introduces the introduction of complementary foods with Mindful Eating in order to help ...

Product : Book

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Carlo Scataglini

The most mysterious cases of the famous investigator Sherlock Holmes, created by the pen of Arthur ...

Product : Book

The Jungle Book

Carlo Scataglini

The incredible story of The Jungle Book, rewritten in a simplified version, edited by Carlo ...

Product : Book

Bare feet and dinosaurs

Biagio Bagini, Chiara Mangione

The book tells little Asperger's stories to illustrate a sensitivity that doesn't resemble that of ...

Product : Book

Saving my planet

Vittoria Iacovella

The book offers children a handbook full of practical advice to help them organize their daily life ...

Product : Book

Children of the Internet

Matteo Lancini, Loredana Cirillo

Children of the Internet, a complete and easy to use illustrated self-help guide, responds to the ...

Product : Book

Classic tales with AAC – The Odyssey

Carlo Scataglini

Ulysses’ return journey to Ithaca, after the Trojan war, is the common thread of Homer's great ...

Product : Book

Atlas of religions

Aluisi Tosolini, Sebastiana Trovato

The volume simply and precisely presents the main characteristics of the most widespread religions ...

Product : Book

Jack and the treasure island

Jessica Martinello

Jack and the treasure island is a colourful and fun illustrated search-and-find book for 3 year old ...

Product : Book

Parents with philosophy

Luca Mori

The author uses the most stimulating concepts of philosophy to face everyday parenting commitments, ...

Product : Book

Less threats and more gratification

Gianluca Daffi

The volume offers a fun story full of activities and advice for children, between 6 and 10 years ...

Product : Book

The Odyssey

Carlo Scataglini

The Odyssey, the return journey of Ulysses to the beloved island of Ithaca after the Trojan war, ...

Product : Book

The little pirates and the precious treasure

Stefania Mei, Sara Vegini

The little pirates and the precious treasure is a fun and colourful workbook for boys and girls aged ...

Product : Book

The little pirates and the funny treasure

Stefania Mei, Sara Vegini

The little pirates and the funny treasure, a fun and colourful workbook for boys and girls aged 4, ...

Product : Book

Baby Bump Envy

Beatrice Corsale

Women who decide to begin the journey of medically assisted reproduction, or those who consider ...

Product : Book

7 days with Dolphin

Alessandra Baretter

A pop-up book to create in 7 days: by cutting and gluing the figures, the child will create an ...

Product : Book

Respectful and respected parents

Gianluca Daffi

We often admonish children as a way of solving the problem as quickly as possible, but then we ...

Product : Book

Coping Power at nursery school

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Pietro Muratori

This volume proposes a programme to identify strategies and tools for managing the behavioural ...

Product : Book

Less punishment and more rewards

Gianluca Daffi

A story, a notebook, and help with particular emphasis on impulsiveness, for children between 6 and ...

Product : Book

The little pirates and the greedy treasure

Stefania Mei, Sara Vegini

A fun and colorful workbook for boys and girls aged 3 to 6, it offers 48 activities designed to ...

Product : Book

Parent training in autism spectrum disorders

Luigi Mazzone, Giulia Giovagnoli

A useful, practical guide to deepen the parent training intervention model and intervention ...

Product : Book

The Iliad

Carlo Scataglini

The Iliad, the story of the most famous war in antiquity between the Achaeans and the Trojans, ...

Product : Book

Family Party

Alberto Pellai, Barbara Tamborini

A card game to play with the family to develop all 6 pillars of self-esteem! The game, designed by ...

Product : Teaching tools

The Diary of Anne Frank

Carlo Scataglini

The diary of Anne Frank, a classic of children's literature, is rewritten in a simplified version, ...

Product : Book

Layla in the land of the snow king

Reinhold Messner

When I was a little girl, Dad called me Layla, a name which means «the top of the mountain». ...

Product : Book

The traffic light is red

Claudia Ferraroli

Ready, steady… STOP! ...

Product : Book

He started it!

Elisabetta Maùti

Children argue (not only them) and when they do, adults feel involved - and often annoyed.  As ...

Product : Book

7 days with Riccio

Alessandra Baretter

7 days, 7 episodes, 60 figures to cut out and glue to create a MAGIC POP-UP STORY! ...

Product : Book

The bubble man

Irene Biemmi, Sarolta Szulyovszky

A delicate and poetic illustrated book for children aged 6 to 10 years. The story of a friendship ...

Product : Book

Good night children

Alberto Pellai

Home at last! Lollo the Cat still holds his little ball of red wool between his paws. They have been ...

Product : Book

We are here for you

Antonella Montano, Roberta Rubbino, Anna Claudia Massolo

Attachment is a biological system, developed in the course of childhood in the search for ...

Product : Book

Classic tales with AAC – Peter Pan

Carlo Scataglini

With scientific supervision from the Augmentative Communication Supranational Centre ...

Product : Book

Peter Pan

Carlo Scataglini

«Where do you live?» – «Second star on the right and then straight until morning...» ...

Product : Book

Classic tales with AAC – Alice in Wonderland

Carlo Scataglini

Alice generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it). ...

Product : Book

Classic tales with AAC – The wizard of Oz

Carlo Scataglini

Happiness is the best thing in the world. ...

Product : Book

Ciripò the scaredy cat

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

If you think you know everything about fear, hold on tight: the adventures of Ciripò will surprise ...

Product : Book

Fantastic thoughts

Roberta Verità

After the success of With your head among fairy-tales, the author again brings up the important ...

Product : Book

Mummy’s magnet

Alberto Pellai

A new edition of a sweet story to help children, and their parents, discover their emotions, in ...

Product : Book

My heart is a strawberry slush

Alberto Pellai

Luca is a shy, insecure boy. And now, since his little sister was born, he feels abandoned by his ...

Product : Book

Risolina’s treasure

Alberto Pellai

Risolina is a little girl who, because of a magic spell, was born with hair made out of silk and ...

Product : Book

The wind tamer

Alberto Pellai

While Jacopo plays in the kitchen, a disaster happens because of the wind.  On the ground there are ...

Product : Book

Ciripò in a sea of emotions

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

Emotions carry us away, hinder us, suck us in, exalt us, let us soar high or bring us down to the ...

Product : Book

Ciripò and his Brave Friends

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

While growing up, it is normal for children to have insecurities, anxieties and fears. The most ...

Product : Book

Alice in Wonderland

Carlo Scataglini

Alice generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it). ...

Product : Book

The Story of Marilù and the Five Senses

Carlo Scataglini

Marilù is a very curious child who has fun playing in the woods where her special friend lives: a ...

Product : Book

Trainers green with envy

Alberto Pellai

A sweet story, with a new colour graphics, to narrate bullying and explain to boys and girls the ...

Product : Book

Super Victor

Rosalba Corallo

Victor is a sweet cat who wants to become… a superhero! ...

Product : Book

Ciripò bullies

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

There is never a shortage of challenges for Ciripò, the kind cat, to face as he navigates his way ...

Product : Book

Classic Tales with AAC – Pinocchio

Carlo Scataglini

Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. ...

Product : Book

Classic Tales with AAC – The Little Prince

Carlo Scataglini

The essential is invisible to the eyes. ...

Product : Book

Positive Parents, Strong Children

Rosa Angela Fabio

“Am I a good enough mother?” “Do I spend enough time with my children?” “Will I be able to ...

Product : Book

Me after you

Alberto Pellai

Great granddad Nicholas is really special: his adventures fascinate his grandson Pietro, who adores ...

Product : Book

The Wizard of Oz

Carlo Scataglini

Happiness is the best thing in the world. ...

Product : Book

I want to be number 2

Alberto Pellai

Caterina is nine years old. She loves making cakes with her grandma and playing the guitar.  ...

Product : Book

Our child is dyslexic

Gianluca Lo Presti

The most recent ministerial legislation regarding pupils with SEN marks further progress towards ...

Product : Book

World (web) wise adolescents

Matteo Lancini

The intensive use of the internet, the total invasion of new technologies in our every day lives and ...

Product : Book


Carlo Scataglini

Once upon a time there was a piece of wood. ...

Product : Book

The Little Prince

Carlo Scataglini

The essential is invisible to the eyes. ...

Product : Book

The art of negotiating with your children

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

In relationships with your children, no matter what the age, as well as authority and educational ...

Product : Book

Stories of extraordinary dyslexia

Rossella Grenci, Daniele Zanoni

This book is about dyslexic geniuses, drawing together 15 stories of famous dyslexics, who have ...

Product : Book

Eagles are born to fly

Rossella Grenci

What do Leonardo da Vinci, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein and George Clooney have in common? ...

Product : Book


Alessia Farinella

The relationship between siblings is, among all human relations, one of the most intense; it is a ...

Product : Book

Language of the heart

Claudia Perdighe

Every parent wants the best for their child and wants to be the perfect mum or perfect dad. It may ...

Product : Book

Music, Movies And Pizza: Let’s Have Fun Together

Anna Contardi, Monica Berarducci

The sixth volume of the series Workshops for Autonomies is aimed at young people and adolescents ...

Product : Book

The head lost in fairy tales

Roberta Verità

After the success of the first edition, reprinted over ten times, The head lost in fairy tales is ...

Product : Book

Parent training in autism

Claudio Vio, Cristina Menazza, Barbara Bacci

Caring for and bringing up a child with autism requires parents to acquire specific competences ...

Product : Book

Six little pixies in my heart (ages 3-6)

Rosalba Corallo

This fable, created for children aged 3 to 6, is a simplified version for little ones of the ...

Product : Book

Stories with AAC 3

Roberto Introzzi, Laura Costanzi, Chiara Anna Conti, Claudia Denti, MariaCristina Ungari, Elena Magni

Stories with AAC 3 is a collection containing three IN-books with the same number of short and ...

Product : Book

This is how you were born (7-10 years)

Alberto Pellai

This book aims to offer parents, teachers and children a tool for effective sexual and emotional ...

Product : Book

This is how you were born (4-7 years)

Alberto Pellai

This book aims to offer parents, teachers and children a tool for effective sexual and emotional ...

Product : Book

11 tales of happiness

Rosalba Corallo

What do you think is so special about these naïve little creatures taking centre stage in these ...

Product : Book

The wait

Alberto Pellai

The diary of a woman who speaks of the emotions which accompanied her during her nine months of ...

Product : Book

No cuddles for Gustavo

Alberto Pellai

Gustavo’s life is like a dream, with everything that one could possibly wish for: a wonderful ...

Product : Book

ADHD and homework

Gianluca Daffi, Cristina Prandolini

Homework is intended to enable the pupil to revise and elaborate on what the teacher has presented ...

Product : Book

Stories with AAC 2

Luca Fumagalli, Elisabetta Reicher, Paolo Tatavitto, Junglelink

Stories with AAC 2 is a box set of three IN-books with three short and simple — but at the same ...

Product : Book

School time

Alberto Pellai

The first day of school is coming and the little protagonist of this story is a little worried. The ...

Product : Book

Stories with AAC1

Luca Fumagalli, Elisabetta Reicher, Paolo Tatavitto, Junglelink

Stories with AAC1 is a kit of three IN-books with as many short and simple color illustrated ...

Product : Book

Through a father’s eyes

Igor Salomone

A man struggling with one of the most difficult roles in today’s world. A professional of ...

Product : Book

Let’s get it straight!

Cristina Bellemo

«One day in the peaceful village of Vieti, suddenly a howl broke out: “Enooough!”. It was the ...

Product : Book

Six little pixies in my heart (ages 6+)

Rosalba Corallo

Tommy is tired of having adults telling him that he is too sensitive — he has ended up believing ...

Product : Book

Life of an atom told by itself

Luca Sciortino

This is the history of all histories, the story of how it all began from the cold and infinite space ...

Product : Book

Capricious Curly and Perfect Betty

Alberto Pellai

Yes, you can become a more relaxed and easy going kid and stop expecting everything right now or ...

Product : Book

Stork? What stork?!

Alberto Pellai, Barbara Calaba

Alice is a nine-year old with one wish: to have a little brother or sister. When she finds out that ...

Product : Book

Move over, I’m coming!

Mario Di Pietro, Monica Dacomo

A child affected by attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity in a family is generally a source of ...

Product : Book

We are Special

Paola Viezzer

We are Special is a collection of stories introducing children to the idea of diversity, disability ...

Product : Book

What story are you going to tell me today?

Elisabetta Maùti

Helping children talk about themselves, their problems and emotions is important. Parents can learn ...

Product : Book