Easy Classics told by Carlo Scataglini
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 15x21cm
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9788859024651
Publication date: 01/05/2021
Suitable for: Lower secondary 1st level (ages 10-11)
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The Odyssey, the return journey of Ulysses to the beloved island of Ithaca after the Trojan war, revised and re-proposed in a simplified version for lower secondary school, with facilitations for reading; the topics can be read, deepened and listened to as an audiobook. Edited by Carlo Scataglini, one of the greatest Italian experts in the field of facilitated teaching, the volume offers important cognitive organizers and facilitators in each chapter which allow students with greater difficulty to follow the reading and understand the verses and the meaning of the literary text.
Beyond the story, the book offers:
Visual facilitations: the text is accompanied by explanatory images, which can be read and understood immediately.
Lexicon: basic vocabulary words have been chosen, highlighting difficult words and idioms with different colours, explaining their meaning at the end of each chapter.
Syntax: the text is made up of short, coordinated or simple subordinate sentences, in which the subjects have been made as explicit as possible, using the active and affirmative verbal form, with a prevalent use of the indicative mode.
Organization of contents: at the beginning of each chapter there is a summary of the events that are about to happen.
Audio: the reader has the opportunity to listen (and follow) the text of the story told by a narrator, through the QR-codes at the beginning of each chapter or the online resources on the Erickson website.
Moreover, in each chapter you will find:
The easy classics
The Odyssey is part of «The Easy Classics» told by Carlo Scataglini, a series which offers literature classics to students, with some simplification criteria to help them read and understand the stories independently.
Chapter 1
The council of the gods and Telemachus’ journey
Chapter 2
Telemachus visits Nestor and Menelaus
Chapter 3
Ulysses on the island of the Phaeacians
Chapter 4
Ulysses’ story: The adventure of the Cyclops
Chapter 5
The adventure of Aeolus, the Laestrygonians and Circe
Chapter 6
The Sirens and the monsters Scylla and Charybdis
Chapter 7
Ulysses and Telemachus meet
Chapter 8
Ulysses returns to his palace
Chapter 9
Ulysses’ revenge
Chapter 10
Peace comes to Ithaca
Ulysses’ travels
Told by Carlo Scataglini, the greatest simplified teaching expert in Italy
Literary classics accessible to all lower secondary school students (11-14 years of age), especially those with learning difficulties.
The series Easy Classics told by Carlo Scataglini opens up to lower secondary school, offering classics of children's literature in a simplified version, to be read, understood and even listened to as an audiobook.
Aimed especially at children with learning difficulties, the Easy Classics series offers the most famous stories in order to make reading as independent and meaningful as possible for young readers. Complete with explanatory images, the books that make up the series are characterized by:
in each chapter, indicated by a symbol, further cognitive organizers and facilitators for reading:
What happens next...: a synopsis of what will happen at the beginning of each chapter
Difficult words: less common words indicated in blue and defined in the final glossary
Expressions and sayings: particular phrases indicated in brown and explained in the final glossary
Audio QR-code: the QR-codes to scan with a smartphone or tablet to gain access to an audio reading of each chapter.
Discover the books included in the series Easy Classics for lower secondary school! New simplified versions of children's literature masterpieces will be available soon.
The Divine Comedy
Illustrations by Chiara Di Vivona
Midway upon the journey of our life / I found myself within a forest dark / For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
From the terrifying circles of Hell to the journey up Mount Purgatory with the poet Virgil, and finally to the ascent into the bliss of Paradise with Beatrice, Carlo Scataglini presents The Divine Comedy in a simplified version accessible to everyone. One of the masterpieces of Italian and world literature, with facilities, to be read and explored.
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Illustrations by Arianna Bellucci
Will we have the courage to continue our undertaking?
Jules Verne's famous novel, Journey to the Center of the Earth, is presented in a simplified version accessible to all children. Each chapter includes important cognitive organizers and facilitators, useful for following the reading without too much effort and understanding the meaning of the text. Furthermore, readers have the opportunity to listen to (and follow) the text of the story told by a narrator via the QR-codes at the beginning of each chapter.
The betrothed
Illustrations by Marco Bonatti
Now well, this marriage is not to be done, neither tomorrow nor ever.
The troubled story of Renzo and Lucia's love is set against the historical background of Lombardy in the 1600s, revised and re-proposed in a simplified version for lower secondary school, with facilitations for being read, explored and even listened to as an audiobook.
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Illustrations by Camilla Zaza
The fact is that you see but do not observe; here is the difference!
The most mysterious cases of the famous investigator Sherlock Holmes, born from the pen of Arthur Conan Doyle, re-proposed in a simplified version, with facilities for reading, to investigate and even listen to as an audiobook: The adventure of the Red Hair League, The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The diadem of beryls, The Adventure of Copper Beeches.
Illustrations by Flavia Sorrentino
Speak, memory of the cunning hero, The wanderer, blown off course time and again After he plundered Troy's sacred heights
The Odyssey, Ulysse's return voyage towards his beloved island of Ithica after the Trojan War, revised and proposed in a simplified version, with facilitations for reading, to be read and understood and even listened to as an audio book.
Illustrations by Alessandra Vitelli
Sing, O Goddess, the wrath of Achilles Pelide, that destructive wrath which brought countless woes upon the Achaeans, …
The story of a long war between Achaean and Trojan heroes, Achilles' wrath, Hector's humanity, Ulysses’ cunning, Patroclus' affection, Andromache's sweetness, Helen’s beauty: these are some of the famous themes narrated in Homer's poem.
Illustrations by Giulia Dragone
I am part of the pain of millions of people, yet when I look at the sky, I think everything will turn to good.
In her diary, thoughts, fear, discouragement, but also irony, the will to live and hope are told with sincerity and extraordinary maturity by Anne Frank, a very young Jewish girl. It has become one of the most loved and read books in the world.
Carlo Scataglini is a specialised teacher and trainer in remediation and support. With Erickson he has published a number of books and CD-ROMs for remediation and support, amongst which the series Easy reading and the books Easy History, Easy geography, Easy Science and Easy Information Technology. He is also the author of various children’s stories, amongst which Even ogres are afraid (2008), The strange mystery of Cartoonville and other stories (2003), Magigum and the flight of emotions (2005), Magigum and the secret of Belacrì (2006), Ants are stronger than earthquakes (2009), The story of Marilù and the 5 senses (2010) and Gigantino and the tasty war (2014).