
COT 5-8

Claudia Zamperlin, Barbara Carretti, Giulio De Francesco, Davide Fazzolari

COT 5-8 is a battery of tests designed to evaluate listening comprehension in children aged 5 to 8. ...

Product : Book

Manual on Psychology of Psycho-affective and Sexual Development

Chiara Simonelli, Giulio D'Urso, Giovanni D'Angiò

In its most updated, expanded, and in-depth edition, the volume frames psychoaffective and sexual ...

Product : Book

The Polyvagal Theory in practice

Antonella Montano, Valentina Iadeluca

The volume provides a comprehensive overview of every aspects regarding Polyvagal Theory, which ...

Product : Book


Irene Cristina Mammarella, Cristina Toso, Francesca Neele Stefani

New edition of the BVS-Corsi Battery, (updated from the 2008 version edited by Mammarella, Toso, ...

Product : Book

Trauma and psychopathology

Stefano Vicari

Nowadays there are still too many children who are victims of unrecognized violence and therefore ...

Product : Book

Overcome math anxiety

Irene Cristina Mammarella, Cristina Toso, Sara Sandri, Mirco Meneghel

Mathematics anxiety is fueled by false beliefs or even gender stereotypes, which push even those ...

Product : Book

Fundamentals for choosing the school of psychotherapy

Sara Botti, Elena Stanchina

This volume is proposed as an important point of reference and guidance for young psychologists in ...

Product : Book

Little Barracuda and the discovery of Happiness VOL 1 and 2

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Genni Morotti, Luca Baldi

Two illustrated, engaging and colourful albums, designed for the educational programme proposed in ...

Product : Book

Coping Power and Mindfulness in primary school

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Pietro Muratori, Genni Morotti, Luca Baldi

The volume proposes a prevention programme for the treatment of conduct and oppositional-provocative ...

Product : Book

Cognitive-behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Gabriele Melli, Claudia Carraresi

The volume provides practical indications for the correct classification and evaluation of the ...

Product : Book

Do you agree?

Stefania Andreoli

A fun and engaging game designed to challenge children to think and express their skills of ...

Product : Teaching tools

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder

Fabrizio Didonna

A manual full of clinical and technical details, it provides a new and effective theoretical and ...

Product : Book

Schema Therapy for Pathological Narcissism

Nicola Marsigli, Duccio Baroni

The volume outlines a therapeutic program that allows a different treatment with respect to the ...

Product : Book

Affection Addiction

Giulia Calamai, Laura Caccico, Antonella Lebruto, Valentina Ciorciari

Affection addiction is comparable to behavioural addictions and is particularly characterized by the ...

Product : Book

My first year after my… Bachelor of Psychology

Letizia Vibi

This practical manual is a useful guide to help recent graduates in Psychology orient themselves ...

Product : Book

Sex and gender differences in typical and atypical development

Maria Cristina Caselli, Daria Riva

Introducing the study of sex / gender differences in developmental age, this volume offers a review ...

Product : Book


Claudio Sica, Luigi Rocco Chiri, Riccardo Favilli, Igor Marchetti

Q-PAD, a new edition which has been updated on the basis of the most recent scientific research and ...

Product : Book

EMDR Therapy

Maria Zaccagnino

A technical and detailed manual on EMDR therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, it ...

Product : Book

SR 4-5 School Readiness Materials

Maria Assunta Zanetti, Francesca Beccarini

After a theoretical framework on the concept of School Readiness and the presentation of the ...

Product : Book

Test SR 4-5 School Readiness

Maria Assunta Zanetti, Valeria Cavioni

New edition of Test SR 4-5: an accurate and easy-to-use tool for assessing basic skills in the ...

Product : Book

Strategic Psychotherapy Manual

Fabio Leonardi, Francesco Tinacci

A practical and complete volume aimed at outlining the status of the art of strategic psychotherapy, ...

Product : Book

Living with multiple sclerosis

Silvia Bonino, Martina Borghi, Emanuela Calandri, Federica Graziano

The book offers a detailed description of the research and psychological intervention project of the ...

Product : Book

Psychotherapy Manual for the LGBTQIA+ Population

Antonella Montano, Roberta Rubbino

This updated and complete volume offers food for thought and useful pieces of information within the ...

Product : Book

Training for face and emotion recognition deficits

Antonella Di Vita, Liana Palermo, Maria Rosa Pizzamiglio, Laura Piccardi

The volume offers specific training for the rehabilitation of processing the recognition of faces ...

Product : Book

Children, adolescents and Covid-19

Stefano Vicari, Silvia Di Vara

This volume offers analyses and reflections on the impact that Covid-19 has had on the lives of ...

Product : Book

Understanding and overcoming trauma

Claudia Herbert, Fabrizio Didonna

People who are victims of trauma have sudden, overwhelming and often incomprehensible experiences as ...

Product : Book

Faced with the unexpected

Luigi Colusso

This volume, a useful guide for health professionals to support people who are facing a period of ...

Product : Book

Coping Power at nursery school

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Pietro Muratori

This volume proposes a programme to identify strategies and tools for managing the behavioural ...

Product : Book

Parent training in autism spectrum disorders

Luigi Mazzone, Giulia Giovagnoli

A useful, practical guide to deepen the parent training intervention model and intervention ...

Product : Book

Ageing Actively

Rossana De Beni, Michela Zavagnin, Erika Borella

Aging Actively is a manual for professionals and clinicians who work with the elderly.  It provides ...

Product : Book

AC-MT-3 6-14 years – Tests for the clinic

Cesare Cornoldi, Irene Cristina Mammarella, Sara Caviola

The new version of two great Erickson classics (AC-MT 6-11 and AC-MT 11-14), updated and adapted for ...

Product : Book

Behaviour Disorders in Childhood

Pietro Muratori, Furio Lambruschi

In recent years, childhood behaviour disorders have spread to the point of leading researchers to ...

Product : Book

Parent training beyond the diagnosis

Agnese Tomassetti, Deny Menghini

This volume provides indications for working on dysfunctional behaviours that can occur even in the ...

Product : Book

Social isolation

Michele Procacci, Antonio Semerari

Patients suffering from social isolation are both poorly understood and poorly treated. This ...

Product : Book

Trauma intervention manual

Antonella Montano, Roberta Borzì

In the course of human history, few concepts have been at the centre of clinical and existential ...

Product : Book

Coping power in secondary school

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Ilaria Cipriani

The creation of Coping Power in High School stems from the need to create a prevention and ...

Product : Book

Mindfulness for ADHD and neuro-development disorders

Deny Menghini, Cristiano Crescentini

This book has the primary purpose of describing in detail a training based on Mindfulness-oriented ...

Product : Teaching tools


Gioia Bottesi, Marta Ghisi, Silvia Cerea

Trichotillomania, which consists of repetitively tearing hair and / or hairs, is still a little ...

Product : Book

Clinical sexology

Vieri Boncinelli, Mauro Rossetto, Fabio Veglia

Sexuality is the result of a convergence of biological, psychological and cultural phenomena. In ...

Product : Book

Even Ogres are Afraid (Game)

Carlo Scataglini

A family of cowardly orcs, a path to follow to overcome one’s own fears and the knowledge that we ...

Product : Teaching tools

Fundamentals of Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy

Claudio Sica, Gabriele Melli

The models and techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy are among the clinical psychology ...

Product : Book

Ciripò in a sea of emotions

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

Emotions carry us away, hinder us, suck us in, exalt us, let us soar high or bring us down to the ...

Product : Book

Managing social anxiety

Nicola Marsigli

Everyone wants to make a good impression and is afraid of being rejected so a little bit of anxiety ...

Product : Book

Perinatal clinical psychology

Pietro Grussu, Rosa Maria Quatraro

This book takes you into the world of perinatal clinical psychology on a journey through 15 chapters ...

Product : Book

Evaluating Hoarding Disorder

Caterina Novara, Susanna Pardini

Thanks to the evidence brought to light by some recent studies and what has emerged from the ...

Product : Book

Food Selectivity in the Autism Spectrum Disorder

Luigi Mazzone, Luigi Mazzone

Numerous dysfunctional behaviours can present themselves at mealtimes.  Among these, a particularly ...

Product : Book

The treatment of specific learning disorders

Patrizio Emanuele Tressoldi, Claudio Vio

The new edition, extensively revised and updated based on national clinical recommendations ...

Product : Book

Diagnosing Specific Learning Disorders

Patrizio Emanuele Tressoldi, Claudio Vio, Gianluca Lo Presti

The so-called “scholastic learning disorders,” which primarily affect reading, writing, and ...

Product : Book

Learning with Video Modelling (KIT: book + Professional software on USB key)

Andreina Costa, Eleonora Fiorot


Product : Software

Cognitive Profiles and Psychopathological Disorders

Stefano Vicari, Silvia Di Vara, Annarita Milone

This volume sheds light on the most recent aspects related to psychopathological disorders and ...

Product : Book

Coping power in pre-school (teacher’s KIT)

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Pietro Muratori

A program of prevention and intervention aimed at encouraging emotional and prosocial skills in ...

Product : Book

I’m so hungry that…

Gianluca Daffi

Flip over the card and observe the animal, but pay attention because you will see many of them and ...

Product : Teaching tools

Ciripò bullies

Giuseppe Maiolo, Giuliana Franchini

There is never a shortage of challenges for Ciripò, the kind cat, to face as he navigates his way ...

Product : Book

Hypochondria, Illness Anxiety Disorder and Somatic Symptom Disorder

Daniele Piacentini, Daniela Leveni, Marco Lussetti

Research carried out in recent years has demonstrated how hypochondria, or health anxiety, is a very ...

Product : Book

CBA-Y Cognitive Behavioural Assessment-Young

Ornella Bettinardi, Ezio Sanavio, Anna Maria Zotti, Giulio Vidotto, Paolo Michielin, Giorgio Bertolotti

The CBA-Y assesses the psychological wellbeing of youths aged 14 to 25. It is made up of 500 ...

Product : Book

Rehabilitation programmes: Executive functions in language disorders

Luigi Marotta, Enrica Mariani, Manuela Pieretti

Although a Language Disorder is mainly characterised by language difficulties, it is often ...

Product : Book

Watch out for the Vikings

Gianluca Daffi

A brave Viking can't set sail without all his brothers on board. ...

Product : Teaching tools

FE-PS 2-6

Maria Carmen Usai, Paola Viterbori, Elena Gandolfi, Laura Traverso

The FE-PS 2-6 BATTERY offers 10 tests for pre-school age (2-6 years) aimed at evaluating executive ...

Product : Book

Executive functions and developmental disorders

Stefano Vicari, Silvia Di Vara

Written by the leading Italian experts in Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology, the book covers the ...

Product : Book

There was a Pirate

Gianluca Daffi

There was a Pirate... ...

Product : Teaching tools

Quick Fingers

Gianluca Daffi

Pay attention and concentrate. ...

Product : Teaching tools

Executive functions in SLD

Luigi Marotta, Pamela Varvara

The first specific protocol available in Italy for assessing executive functions! ...

Product : Book

Pupils with Borderline Intellectual Functioning

Gianluca Daffi

Amongst pupils who struggle on a daily basis at school, attention today is being placed on those ...

Product : Book


Donatella Tomaiuoli

This manual provides a complete and detailed description and analysis of all the main aspects of ...

Product : Book

Manual of perinatal psychopathology

Pietro Grussu, Alessandra Bramante

The only manual in Italian containing an in-depth, detailed description of the most common ...

Product : Teaching tools

Rational-emotive education

Mario Di Pietro

Rational-emotive education offers activities, tools and techniques for teaching children to ...

Product : Book

Coping Power in primary school

Consuelo Giuli, Iacopo Bertacchi, Pietro Muratori

A programme for training youngsters to manage emotions and social relations with the aim of reducing ...

Product : Book

QBS 8-18

Gian Marco Marzocchi, Valentina Tobia

QBS 8-18 is a simple and intuitive tool that offers four questionnaires to provide a picture of the ...

Product : Book

Rational emotive behaviour therapy

Mario Di Pietro

Half a century on from its creation, REBT continues to be an essential point of reference for those ...

Product : Book

The land of child protection

Annalisa Vicari, Lucia Monicchi

Protecting children means respecting their individuality, making them aware of what they are going ...

Product : Book

TCS-A – Test on passing developmental tasks in adolescence

Paolo Gambini

The TCS-A aims to evaluate the passing of developmental tasks in adolescence, grouping them into 4 ...

Product : Book

Language of the heart

Claudia Perdighe

Every parent wants the best for their child and wants to be the perfect mum or perfect dad. It may ...

Product : Book

Obsessions and compulsions in children

Antonella Montano, Fabio Annicchiarico, Sofia Misuraca

Despite research having made huge progress in understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder and even ...

Product : Book

The ABC of my emotions 4-7 (SOFTWARE)

Mario Di Pietro

The ABC of my emotions 4-7 programme aims to provide an update on the latest results of Rational ...

Product : Software

The ABC of my emotions – ages 4-7

Mario Di Pietro

In recent years huge progress has been made in the field of emotional education: literature on this ...

Product : Book

Parent training for ADHD

Cesare Cornoldi, Angela Paiano, Anna Maria Re, Emilia Ferruzza

It has by now been demonstrated that interventions for children with attention deficit or ...

Product : Book

Talking with the bereaved

Luigi Colusso

The aim of this book is to offer specific information in order to learn about bereavement and its ...

Product : Book

Let’s get it straight!

Cristina Bellemo

«One day in the peaceful village of Vieti, suddenly a howl broke out: “Enooough!”. It was the ...

Product : Book

The empty subject

Massimo Recalcati

This book investigates the new symptoms of our time and our civilization’s new discontents: ...

Product : Book

What story are you going to tell me today?

Elisabetta Maùti

Helping children talk about themselves, their problems and emotions is important. Parents can learn ...

Product : Book