Autobiographical texts with the WRW method – Writing and Reading Workshop

Writing workshops for lower secondary school

Silvia Pognante, Romina Ramazzotti

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 30x23cm

Pages: 200

ISBN: 978-88-590-2744-7

Publication date: 01/02/2022

Suitable for: Lower secondary 1st level (ages 10-11)


The volume offers a guided autobiographical writing workshop based on the use of the Writing and Reading Workshop, a method that transforms lower secondary school classes into workshops where pupils learn in an engaging way to apply the best strategies to grow as writers.  After the introductory chapters, dedicated to the presentation of the methodological approach, the volume offers 18 guided mini-lessons to accompany the reading and analysis of some passages proposed as a model (from which to derive the essential characteristics of the genre) and all the phases of the writing process of an autobiography, from planning to evaluation. In addition, useful tips and numerous other strategies are provided to customize the programme to suit the class. In closing, you will find the glossary with the key terms of the method, a rich bibliography and the index of online resources,where you can download all the materials, worksheets sheets and passages analyzed in the book.

Didactic methodologies of the Writing and Reading Workshop
The teaching methodology of the Writing and Reading Workshop focuses on the practice of reading and writing in the classroom and is well suited to be experimented in both primary and secondary schools. In a rigorous but flexible framework, children have the possibility of writing authentic texts that have their personality and interests at heart.

Writing and Reading Workshop Series
The Writing and Reading Workshop is a methodological approach which was developed in the United States in the 1970s based on solid experimentation and pedagogical research. Each volume of this series offers a writing workshop on a genre of text or typology according to the principles of the WRW, with mini-lessons and materials ready for the teacher but also tools for the design of other work programmes based on the level of competence of the class.

Introduction (in care of . Pognante, J. Poletti Riz, R. Ramazzotti)
The Writing and Reading Workshop
Guide to using the volume

The autobiography in the WRW
Prospectus of the mini-lessons present in the volume
UNIT 1 – Immersion. At writer’s school
Immersion – Reasoned list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lessons 1-4
Consultation zone
UNIT 2 – The writing process. Writers’ workshop
A. Pre-writing. Planning activities and strategies
Activators – Reasons list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lesson 5
Consultation zone
Planning– Reasoned list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lessons 6 and 7
Consultation Zone
B. Rough draft. The text takes shape a bit at a time
Writing a rough draft – Reasoned list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lessons 8-10
Consultation zone
C. Revision. Reviewing to write with more profoundly and with intention
Revision – Reasoned list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lessons 11-13
Consultation zone
D. Editing. Fine-tuning of linguistic and grammatical aspects for a correct and cohesive text
Editing – Reasoned list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lessons 14 e 15
Consultation zone
E. Publication. Authentic writing has true readers
Publication – Reasoned list of strategies for the intermediate level
Mini-lesson 16
Consultation zone

Evaluation in the WRW
UNIT 3 – Look and examine. Evaluation within the writing process
A. In the mirror. Self-assessment tools and mini-lessons
Mini-lessons 17 and 18
B. Considering value. Tools for evaluation
Two tools for evaluation
Index of Online Resources
Bibliography and sitography

Autobiographical Texts With The WRW Method - Writing and Reading Workshop


The Writing and Reading Workshop, developed at Columbia University, is an approach designed to focus on the practice of reading and writing in the classroom, and can be used in both primary and secondary school. Transform classrooms into workshops where, thanks to the teacher's advice and constant practice, pupils learn to apply the best strategies to grow as writers in an engaging way.  In a rigorous but flexible framework and from a workshop perspective, students experience the possibility of writing authentic texts by focusing on their personality and their interests.

Autobiographical Texts With The WRW Method

Writing about oneself means comparing oneself, recognizing oneself, questioning oneself, and opening oneself to different points of view. It's about putting your life into words so that it becomes meaningful. Autobiographical Texts With The WRW Method is a tool that sits halfway between the theoretical text We become writers and school anthologies. It is designed to accompany the teacher for the entire programme of lower secondary school, offering the possibility of adapting it to different classes, thanks to differentiated model texts, writing strategies and themes.

Find out more!

Structure of the volume

After the introductory chapters, dedicated to the presentation of the methodological approach, the volume proposes 18 guided mini-lessons which accompany the students in the reading and analysis of some passages proposed as a model, from which to derive the essential characteristics of the genre, as well as through all the phases of the autobiographical writing process: from planning to evaluation.

This volume is divided into two parts: the first is dedicated to the writing process and the second to evaluation.

The FIRST PART is divided into two units: Unit 1 corresponds to the so-called immersion phase. During the immersion, the class is confronted with "mentor" texts that will be read wearing the "glasses" of the reader and writer. In this dedicated section, the texts proposed for the workshops were selected for their literary quality, functional for proposing reading strategies which are useful for enhancing textual understanding skills.

Unit 2 provides mini-lessons and materials for following each step of the writing process:

  • Pre-writing with activators and planning strategies
  • Writing rough drafts (drafting)
  • Revision
  • Editing
  • Publication

Each mini-lesson highlights a phase of the process, the objectives, the duration of the workshop and provides methodological suggestions for the teachers.

The SECOND PART of the volume contains Unit 3: dedicated both to self-assessment by the student and to evaluation. It contains proposals for self-evaluation, reflections, tools and practices for an evaluation that nourishes and makes writers grow.

In closing, you will find the glossary with the method’s key terms, a rich bibliography and the index of online resources, from which you can download all the materials, worksheets and passages analyzed in the book.

Leaf through some pages that have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation:


Silvia Pognante teaches literature in Montepulciano (SI). Always engaged in reading and writing education, she is the contact person for the Libridiclasse reading group, author of, and trainer on WRW. She collaborates with and numerous editorial projects.

Romina Ramazzotti teaches literature in Ancona. She is a trainer on digital and WRW issues, she collaborates on the website and on editorial and extracurricular projects.