Models, diagnoses and interventions
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 17x24cm
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9788859029243
Publication date: 01/05/2023
This clear, direct manual with a pragmatic slant responds to the needs of workers who already operate in contexts where people live with dementia and to the desire for knowledge of students, especially those with a master’s degrees, who want to understand and start taking the first steps both in the context of care, where the treatments adhere to the psychosocial characteristics of the patient and of the interventions, and in the contexts where this is not yet possible, but where there are margins for effectiveness.
The volume provides information on how to communicate with patients. It describes the clinical models of dementia and offers practical tools for informal caregivers and formal workers, as well as a series of direct testimonies and examples of good practice.
Preface (R. Chattat)
First part - The psychosocial perspective
Chapter 1 - Communication
Chapter 2 - The person with dementia
Second part - Management, diagnosis and interventions
Chapter 3 - Before, during and after diagnosis
Chapter 4 - The interventions
Afterword (C. Stea)