Motor education courses for primary school

Develop motor skills from third to fifth grade

Marisa Vicini, Luca Ferri, Susana Noemi Torino

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 224

ISBN: 9788859033479

Publication date: 01/09/2023

Suitable for: Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


The volume offers 10 motor education courses focused on the development of the first cycle skills. Dedicated to pupils in the third, fourth and fifth grades of primary school, this manual collects cards and activities that concern both transversal and specific fields of physical education.

Each of the ten paths offers:

  • an outline of the proposed activities and games;
  • 5 games;
  • 4 worksheets;
  • a self-check sheet;
  • a skills observation grid;
  • a skills assessment form;
  • a map of interdisciplinary connections.21×29,7cm

Thanks to the precise instructions and illustrations that accompany them, the proposals can also be used by teachers who do not have specific training and are in line with the 2012 National Indications and with the “Key citizenship skills” introduced by the European Union.

Path 1 The game: a journey to get to know each other
Path 2 Rhythm and movement
Path 3 Play and bodily communication
Path 4 Juggling, the art of manipulation
Path 5 At ease in the world. Play, sport and trust
Path 6 Let's balance ourselves
Path 7 Traditional games for all occasions
Path 8 Rediscover the street games of yesterday, today and…tomorrow
Path 9 Pre-sports games
Path 10 everybody out: sports in nature
Worksheet Solutions