Communication cards for dementia
115 cards to express emotions and needs
Monstrous problems at Hotel De Tenebris 2
The phantom cloak
Don’t call me by my name
Reading between the lines the gender dysphoria
The activity case for kindergarten
Games to develop early learning skills
Fairy Tale Journal
65 cards to explore fairy tales and ourselves
Living the nursery
Reflections and practical strategies for organising children’s living spaces
Improving inclusion in my school: what to do and what to avoid
Quick guide for teachers – For all school levels
Enigmatic maths 1
Summer activities for lower secondary school
Enigmatic maths 2
Summer activities for lower secondary school
The poem with the WRW – Writing and Reading Workshop method
Writing workshop for lower secondary school
The educational day in practice at the nursery
Over 180 activities covering routines, workshops, circle time and outdoor learning
Holiday Essentials 1
My workbook for Italian, maths and other subjects
Holiday Essentials 2
My workbook for Italian, maths and other subjects
Verbal fluency
Activities for the treatment of stuttering in school-age children
Autism and Adolescence
Practical guidelines for secondary school education
Goats and Cabbages
Gather your flock with speed and a sharp eye
The invisible prejudice that discriminates against older adults
EDT – Elephant Drawing Test
Children’s drawing development: theories and assessment tools
Manual of developmental psychopathology
Assessment and cognitive-behavioural therapy
Play with your brain! Head in the stars
From Bruce Willis to Robin Williams: five cases of cognitive decline in Hollywood