Illustrated Dictionary

Illustrated Dictionary

Words to learn


The first dictionary for primary school: SIMPLE, COMPLETE, INCLUSIVE

Words to learn is the first colourful, easy-to-consult illustrated dictionary with highly readable characters born out from the collaboration between Edizioni Erickson and the Zanichelli publishing house. The Illustrated Dictionary is a child-friendly tool: it contains over 4,000 high-frequency words, i.e. the words that children encounter every day in textbooks.

Why a new dictionary for primary school?

  • More visual and easy to consult
  • More high-frequency words used in school texts
  • More readable for everyone
  • Lighter
  • More functional for studying

A Web App is added to the dictionary which contains 22,000 additional entries taken from the The first Zanichelli dictionary.


How is the dictionary made?

The Dictionary is a fundamental tool for learning and becoming autonomous in studying, in fact, it presents a series of useful tools to orient yourself during consultation.

Furthermore, within the dictionary you can find:

Insights into words

Spaces for your notes

In-depth sheets on dictionary and study methods

To understand the meaning of the words you can:

  • Observe the image when it is provided;
  • Read the example sentence that shows you the meaning of the word
  • Read the definition
  • ATTENTION: some words can have multiple meanings!

Watch the video to find out more:


Michele Daloiso, associate professor of Modern Language Teaching at the University of Parma, where he directs the ELIcom research group.

Marco Mezzadri, full professor of Modern Language Teaching at the University of Parma, where he is director of the Glottodidactics Laboratory.

ELIcom Group, research group of the University of Parma that deals with inclusiveness in the field of communication and linguistic education, paying particular attention to situations of linguistic disadvantage due to a language or learning disorder, or to a context of socio-cultural and linguistic deprivation.