I’m done, now what?

I’m done, now what?

Mathematics 1

I’m done, now what? Mathematics 1 is a box containing 80 cards with activities designed to keep first grade primary school students busy if they finish their classwork before the end of the lesson.

The activities proposed in the cards are calibrated to different levels of complexity and are structured to make children work in a meaningful and autonomous way.

The cards present the main topics of the first grade mathematics program:

  • Prerequisites
  • Numbers from 0 to 20
  • Operations
  • Geometry and measurements

Some activities can anticipate contents not yet taught in class, but which children have the pleasure, or curiosity, of getting familiar with. Others, however, practice basic skills that have already been consolidated through different activities (drawing, cutting, construction, playing, reading, writing).

Find out more!

The box contents

3 presentation cards

77 cards with activities and operational proposals on first grade mathematics topics

A support to place the cards in, with a legend of the icons and summary of the topics

Leaf through some pages translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:


Beatrice Pontalti, a specialized support teacher with thirty years of experience, conducts training and refresher courses for teachers and assistant educators.