Mini Mysteries on Text Comprehension

Mini Mysteries on Text Comprehension
Lucy and Henry’s investigations


To fully enjoy reading a text, an experienced reader must be able to understand in depth the nuances and implicit information.


The series Mini Mysteries on Text Comprehension – Lucy and Henry’s investigations, aimed at children in the last two years of primary school, has as its protagonists Lucy Holmes and Henry Watson, the descendants of Sherlock Holmes and his right hand man Doctor Watson from some famous adventures born from the imagination of the British writer Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories in the series have been adapted in a modern way and optimized to be suitable for children in the fourth and/or fifth grades of primary school.  They are intended to offer children fun stories and stimulating puzzles in order to practice a playful understanding of the text.


Each volume in the series features an engaging story complete with many puzzles to solve, designed to enhance reading skills:

  • People, places, times and facts
  • Facts and sequences
  • Syntactic structure
  • Text links
  • Lexical and semantic inferences
  • Text sensitivity
  • Text hierarchy
  • Mental models
  • Flexibility
  • Mistakes and inconsistencies


Each volume presents the text on the left pages, and the riddle to be solved on the right pages

The solutions can be found at the end of the volume

Fun stickers complete the enjoyment



Lucy and Henry’s investigations – The Red-Hair League

Lucy Holmes and Henry Watson are called to investigate the dissolution of the Red-Hair League, and soon discover that, behind the history of this bizarre and extravagant association, hides a cunning criminal plan. And they will do everything in their power to unveil it.

By reading the story and carrying out the proposed activities, children from 8 to 10 years old will be able to improve their understanding of written text.

Find out more!

Leaf through the cards which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:


Enrico Angelo Emili works as an associate professor in Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. He carries out his research in the field of special educational needs, accessible literature, inclusive teaching and assistive technology.

Luciana Lenzi worked for decades in schools as a teacher and alongside the school as a tutor and pedagogical coordinator of after-school activities and learning centers. She has created educational materials trying to overcome the “exclusively for some” in favour of “inclusive for all.”  She has written books and done training for schools, MIUR and the University of Bologna (Master of psycho-pedagogy and teaching of DSA). She has a degree in Education.

Emanuele Rosada After graduation, he worked as a learning tutor in after-school and educational centers. As a consultant, he contributed to the creation of teaching materials with Luciana Lenzi and Enrico Angelo Emili.


Lucy and Henry’s investigations – The blue stone adventure

Lucy Holmes and Henry Watson will have to investigate the case of Mr. Baker, who, during the late evening of a London Christmas, is attacked by a group of scoundrels and, in the scuffle, loses a hat and a goose. As always, a series of situations will lead our heroes to investigate the hidden underworld meanderings of the human mind. Children aged 8 to 10 will help the two protagonists solve the riddle by carrying out many activities to enhance their ability to understand the written text.

Find out more!

Leaf through the cards which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:


Enrico Angelo Emili works as an associate professor in Didactics and Special Pedagogy at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. He carries out his research in the field of special educational needs, accessible literature, inclusive teaching and assistive technology.

Luciana Lenzi worked for decades in schools as a teacher and alongside the school as a tutor and pedagogical coordinator of after-school activities and learning centers. She has created educational materials trying to overcome the “exclusively for some” in favour of “inclusive for all.”  She has written books and done training for schools, MIUR and the University of Bologna (Master of psycho-pedagogy and teaching of DSA). She has a degree in Education.

Emanuele Rosada After graduation, he worked as a learning tutor in after-school and educational centers. As a consultant, he contributed to the creation of teaching materials with Luciana Lenzi and Enrico Angelo Emili.