Didactics of memory: programmes about Judaism and Shoah in secondary school
« In order to teach Remembrance, it is necessary to widen one’s gaze and place the Shoah within a pathway, to understand that that precise moment, so often described in books and movies, is the terminal point of a journey of hatred, propaganda, violence, and racist politics. » – (Matteo Corradini)
The volume
This book provides a comprehensive exploration of memory, divided into 5 stages with 20 activities, featuring both theoretical and practical tools to address memory and the Holocaust in secondary schools. It offers methodological guidance, encouraging teachers to approach these topics with openness, while providing numerous actionable proposals to engage students in stimulating practical activities.
The activities in this teaching guide are designed for secondary school students, ensuring meaningful and formative experiences that make their engagement with memory both relevant and compelling. Each stage of the process is aligned with general objectives, while every activity has specific aims. This course also aims to equip teachers and anyone guiding students through a sincere and profound educational experience.
Volume structure
The course is organised into 5 stages, each with a range of study, research, expression, and workshop activities. Topics covered include the exploration of Jewish culture, the mechanisms of prejudice and marginalisation employed by the Nazi and Fascist regimes, and the initiation and execution of the extermination of millions. The course concludes with 20 additional independent activities that can be incorporated into a broader framework.
The volume offers:
A description of the method and programme proposed by the author for teaching Holocaust memory.
Reflections on the meaning and value of memory, aiming to help us become the memory of the past ourselves.
The section with 20 classroom activities focusing on:
Leaf through some selected pages from the book that have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation:
Matteo Corradini is a Hebraist and a writer. He prepares musical readings, theatrical productions, and memorial teaching projects. A recipient of the Andersen Award 2018, he is one of the curators of the ‘writer city festival’ (Cuneo). Since 2003 he has been researching the Terezín ghetto, recovering stories, objects and musical instruments, and is one of the founders of the Institut terezínských skladatelů (Terezín Composers Institute) in Prague.