O diário inteligente para organizar e gerir melhor os deveres de casa, a preparação dos materiais e os testes escolares
Produto: Livro
Formato: 29,7x21
Páginas: 176 a cores + autocolantes + guia de utilização para pais e professores
ISBN: 9788859008200
Data de Publicação: 01/05/2015
Adequado para: Ensino fundamental (6-7), Ensino fundamental (8-10), Ensino fundamental (10-11)
Criado por Gianluca Daffi e Cristina Prandolini, o DIARIO START – a revolução Erickson no campo dos diários escolares – está disponível num novo ambiente!
O DIARIO START baseia-se numa metodologia que permite desenvolver competências fundamentais:
– preparar o eSpaço de trabalho tanto em casa como na escola;
– hipotetizar e respeitar o Tempo de execução dos deveres;
– planificar as Atividades necessárias para completar os deveres e alcançar os objetivos fixados pelo professor;
– organizar a Revisão dos deveres, tanto durante como depois de feitos, para controlar o tempo previamente definido;
– Transferir, isto é conscientemente reutilizar, as competências adquiridas em deveres semelhantes.
Com o objetivo de desenvolver competências fundamentas, o DIARIO START tem:
– uma agenda semanal de acordo com o calendário escolar, para habituar os alunos a visualizar a quantidade de trabalho que têm de realizar no arco de vários dias
– espaços amplos para apontar os deveres e sugestões dos professores
– um calendário do ano escolar inteiro, com o espaço para a data vazio; preenchê-lo será o primeiro passo para o aluno adquirir consciência do tempo que tem à disposição e, consequentemente, a competência para o gerir melhor
– um design simples, claro e divertido, estudado para capturar a atenção das crianças e envolvê-las nas atividades
– fichas e grelhas para aprender a programar o estudo para um teste e a dividi-lo estratégicamente, de modo a ter mais dias para trabalhar
– uma lista de objetivos mensais para ajudar as crianças a focarem-se em determinadas áreas que devem melhorar, e que no final do mês devem avaliar na página de revisão
– jogos e atividades pensados para desenvolver em contexto de sala de aula competências meta-cognitivas
– fichas-guia para interpretar com clareza o horário escolar, as ligações entre disciplinas e professores e o material necessário para cada matéria
– autocolantes coloridos para marcar diretamente nas páginas do diário o material que falta, os testes, os eventos escolares mais importantes
– um guia com instruções para os pais e professores, que fornece sugestões práticas para melhor utilizar todas as funcionalidades do diário.
Disponível também a versão DIARIO START – Aventura no espaço
No diário não existe qualquer referência explícita a distúrbios ou outras dificuldades, para evitar que as crianças se sintam tratadas como “diferentes”, o que tem efeitos negativos na auto-estima e na motivação.
O Diário é perfeito para ajudar crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, mas é indicado para todos os alunos.
- agenda semanal de acordo com o calendário escolar
- espaços amplos para apontar os deveres e sugestões dos professores
- linha do tempo, para enquadrar a semana no ano escolar
- fichas e grelhas para aprender a programar o estudo para um teste
- lista de objetivos mensais
- jogos e atividades para desenvolver competências meta-cognitivas
- fichas-guia sobre o horário escolar, os professores e o material necessário para cada disciplina
- autocolantes coloridos
Em anexo, um guia com instruções para os pais e professores
The educational «method» developed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952), the famous Italian pedagogist has inspired numerous scholastic realities all over the world. Erickson offers a series of volumes dedicated to the Montessori pedagogic model, for acquainting oneself with the theoretical principles on which the method is based and for reflecting on its practical application in the contemporary context.
All of Erickson's publications on the Montessori Method
THE MONTESSORI METHOD AND THE FRAIL ELDERLY Principles and methods for improving well-being and autonomy
THE MONTESSORI METHOD IN MULTI-CULTURAL CONTEXTS Experiences and good practices from kindergarten to adulthood
MONTESSORI FROM A TO Z Pedagogist Maria Montessori’s lexicon
NURSERY SCHOOL WITH THE MONTESSORI METHOD Theoretical models and best practices for early childhood educators and professionals
THE MONTESSORI METHOD TODAY Reflections and paths for teaching and education
MONTESSORI MEETS… Pedagogical weaving of the Montessorian school and non-traditional teaching
MONTESSORI’S EDUCATIONAL ALBUM FOR TEACHERS A complete functional guide for getting to know and use the Montessori method in class.
Principles and methods for improving well-being and autonomy
by Federica Taddia, Annalisa Perino, Ruggero Poi
Il volume – attraverso i contributi di specialisti – approfondisce il metodo Montessori applicato agli anziani fragili, proponendo numerosi esempi di attività da allestire facilmente in contesti differenti (nelle CRA, nei Centri Diurni, in ospedale o a casa).
Il volume è suddiviso in 3 parti:
AUDIENCE Il metodo Montessori e gli anziani fragili si rivolge a educatori, operatori sanitari e a tutti i professionisti dell’assistenza.
AUTHORS Federica Taddia è esperta in pedagogia della terza età, formatrice in ambito sociosanitario e professore a contratto presso l’Università di Bologna, dove conduce laboratori sulle terapie non farmacologiche. Annalisa Perino è pedagogista e direttrice di corsi di formazione nel metodo Montessori. Dal 2013 ha avviato la sperimentazione del metodo Montessori nei contesti di fragilità degli anziani. Ruggero Poi è formatore Montessori e direttore di corsi di formazione nel metodo Montessori. È stato vice presidente esecutivo della Fondazione Montessori Italia e dirige l’Ufficio Ambienti di Apprendimento di Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto.
The Montessori method in multi-cultural contexts
Experiences and good practices from kindergarten to adulthood
by Sonia Coluccelli
A book for reasoning about how the Montessori method can be applied successfully in multi-ethnic classes, from nursery to primary school, and in the teaching of a foreign language as an L2 for adults with very distant linguistic backgrounds, including cases of illiteracy.
This volume is divided into 5 chapters:
AUDIENCE The Montessori method in multi-cultural contexts is aimed at teachers working at Montessori method schools, and traditional schools, cultural mediators, inclusion association and institution workers.
AUTHOR Sonia Coluccelli is a graduate in Philosophy. She is a Montessori method primary school teacher and she also trains teachers and parents in various contexts and within programmes offered by the Fondazione Montessori Italia (Montessori Foundation Italy). Since 2013, she has coordinated the Rete scuole Montessori Alto Piemonte (Upper Piedmont Montessori School Network). She supports and supervises the setting up of new Montessori method divisions in various locations in Central-Northern Italy.
Pedagogist Maria Montessori's lexicon
by Battista Quinto Borghi
In collaboration with the Fondazione Montessori Italia (Montessori Foundation Italy; www.fondazionemontessori.it), the book Montessori from A to Z was created with the aim of offering everyone, even non-expert readers of Montessori education, the possibility of better understanding the thought and educational activities of Maria Montessori.
The volume is organized in three parts:
AUDIENCE Montessori from A to Z is aimed at teachers, parents, educators and all those who are interested in getting to know and understand Maria Montessori’s school of thought, and also serves as preparation for the direct reading of her works.
AUTHOR Battista Quinto Borghi is Pedagogical Director of Services for Childhood in the city of Turin and a lecturer at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. With extensive experience of training behind him, he has published ten books as well as a number of papers in journals and essays. He is President of the Fondazione Montessori Italia (Montessori Foundation Italy).
Theoretical models and best practices for early childhood educators and professionals
by Andrea Lupi
A book focused on the Montessori method nursery, compared to a traditional pre-school which is aimed at identifying the historical, cultural and pedagogical roots that the two types of services share.
The book is organized in three chapters:
AUDIENCE Nursery school with the Montessori method is aimed at teachers, parents, and educators of nursery school children who want to create a Montessori method nursery, or simply deepen their understanding of the methods and practices implemented within it.
AUTHOR Andrea Lupi is a pedagogist and trainer, supervisor of method structures, expert in designing educational material for nursery and primary schools. He is Secretary General of the Fondazione Montessori Italia (Montessori Foundation Italy).
Reflections and paths for teaching and education
by Sonia Coluccelli and Silvia Pietrantonio
The Montessori method today offers a reflection on how the Montessori method can become a common good and not a rarity accessible only to a chosen few, with the aim of seeing the method accepted not only by those who study and practice the educational thought and practices of Maria Montessori, but by all those who, in one guise or another, approach the difficult and exciting task of educating children.
The volume is divided into three parts:
AUDIENCE The Montessori method today is aimed at educators who already work in a Montessori context, as well as those who are just starting out.
AUTHORS Sonia Coluccelli is a graduate in Philosophy. She is a Montessori method primary school teacher and she also trains teachers and parents in various contexts and within programmes offered by the Fondazione Montessori Italia (Montessori Foundation Italy). Since 2013, she has coordinated the Rete scuole Montessori Alto Piemonte (Upper Piedmont Montessori School Network). She supports and supervises the setting up of new Montessori method divisions in various locations in Central-Northern Italy. Silvia Pietrantonio has a degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences, a master of arts in Contemporary European Studies and a research doctorate in Contemporary History. She founded and is president of the Libera-Mente association in Trento, through which she contributed in bringing the Montessori method to Trentino for the first time, supervising a plurilingual Montessori educational experience for two years.
Pedagogical weaving of the Montessorian school and non-traditional teaching
by Sonia Coluccelli
66 years after the death of Maria Montessori, Montessori meets ...presents ten meetings that the educator never experienced directly, but that can be transformed into educational and didactic reflection, as well as into practice.
The volume is organized in four parts:
AUDIENCE Montessori meets is aimed mainly at educators who are passionate about the Montessori method and have the desire and the ability to make it live in the present, without the fear that contamination could mean distorting the essence and value of the method itself
AUTHOR Sonia Coluccelli is a graduate in Philosophy. She is a Montessori method primary school teacher and she also trains teachers and parents in various contexts and within programmes offered by the Fondazione Montessori Italia (Montessori Foundation Italy). Since 2013, she has coordinated the Rete scuole Montessori Alto Piemonte (Upper Piedmont Montessori School Network). She supports and supervises the setting up of new Montessori method divisions in various locations in Central-Northern Italy.