Educate according to nature in and outdoors

The psychomotor response to Natural Educational Needs

Lucia Carpi

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 17x24cm

Pages: 264

ISBN: 9788859037965

Publication date: 01/05/2024

Suitable for: Pre-nursery (ages 0-3), Nursery 1st Level (ages 3-4), Nursery 2nd Level (ages 4-5), Primary 1st level (ages 6-7), Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)


An agile guide in which the author adopts a multidisciplinary and ecosophical perspective, that is, she attempts to put humans and nature back in balance, with the aim of enhancing the needs of all children between 0 and 10 years of age. She does so by taking into account Natural Educational Needs (NEN), defined by the author herself as those educational needs that can be defined as natural because they are innate and transcultural, indispensable and transversal to educational spaces.

After having identified the scientific and experiential bases of the concept of NEN, the volume presents the theoretical principles necessary to understand the link between play and learning during the growth period.

The guide is enriched by the story of a series of experiences from which reflections on current issues can arise.



  • What is nature? What isn't?

CHAPTER 1 – Natural Educational Needs: for a lowest common educational denominator

  • Sense premise

  • First NEN

  • Second NEN

  • Third NEN

  • Fourth NEN

  • Fifth NEN

  • Sixth NEN

  • Conclusion

CHAPTER 2 – Spontaneous play: at the roots of the person

  • Sensorimotor games

  • Symbolic games

  • Representation games

  • Concluding reflections

CHAPTER 3 – The methodological proposal of the NEN: educating according to spontaneity or structure?

  • The times of NEN

  • The spaces and materials of the NEN

  • Observation

  • Nature of well-being and educational distress

CHAPTER 4 – Experiences: from theory to practice

  • Being inhabited by the wind: Peter's story

  • Having no roots, doing without ties: Emma and Libero’s stories

  • A sofa is “enough” (at school or at home)

CHAPTER 5 – Reflections: from education to the whole world

  • From need to right... from right to teaching: inclusion and BES in light of NEN

  • Indoor and outdoor: mental spaces and clichés

  • Exact sciences, humanities and ecosophy: for a necessary dialogue

  • Biophilia, beauty and active citizenship

  • Life cycle and resilience


APPENDIX – Detection and observation grids
