Exploring and discovering the world

25 experiences to experiment with physics at nursery school

Valentina Demattè, Sabrina Rossi

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788859036883

Publication date: 01/05/2024

Suitable for: Pre-nursery (ages 0-3)


The book – aimed at nursery school educators – offers 25 experiences to explore the physical world aimed at children aged 0 to 3. Starting from small children’s natural desire to learn about the world around them, the book presents experiences based on three areas that particularly capture their attention because they offer multiple opportunities for interaction with the surrounding environment:

  • Light
  • Granular matter
  • Balance

For each experience, there are detailed indications on the preparation of the environment, on the observation and interpretation of the behavior of children, on the most correct educational actions to adopt and on the possible evolutions of the activity.

The book offers an open and flexible approach that allows children to explore freely and follow their own interests and rhythms. This allows them to experiment and discover independently, stimulating their imagination and encouraging them to look at the world from new, and different perspectives.


PART ONE – Exploration

  • Children and the physical world

  • The areas of exploration

  • The exploration environment

  • The educational posture

  • Sharing with families

PART TWO – The experiences

  • Premise

  • Light

  • Granular matter

  • Balance


  • Some useful items

  • “How do I build…” worksheets

Exploring and discovering the world

Children from 0 to 3 years old are fascinated and intrigued by the world around them, it is a natural desire. They want to understand how the things around them work, how they are made, and above all why certain phenomena happen.

The book Exploring and discovering the world meets children's needs  and helps nursery educators, because it offers 25 exploration of the physical world experiences designed for children aged 0-3. For each experience a structure is indicated and includes information on:

  • preparation of the environment
  • observation and interpretation of children's behavior
  • educational actions
  • possible evolutions of the activity

The book offers an open and flexible approach that allows children to explore freely and follow their own interests and rhythms. This allows them to experiment and discover independently, stimulating their imagination and encouraging them to look at the world from new perspectives.

The three areas of experience

The experiences proposed in the book are based on 3 areas that particularly capture the attention of little ones and offer multiple opportunities for interaction with the surrounding environment:

Experience: light

Experience: granular matter

Experience: equilibrium

Leaf through some activities translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product:


Mattia Brancone, studied aerospace engineering and after working in the aeronautical sector he chose to dedicate himself to teaching, specializing as a support teacher.