A story to kick bullying in the teeth
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 14x22cm
Pages: 88
ISBN: 9788859026792
Publication date: 01/05/2021
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A sweet story, with a new colour graphics, to narrate bullying and explain to boys and girls the value of emotions even when they are “silent”. In the book there are QR codes for listening to the story as an audio book, and the educational advice of Alberto Pellai.
Marco is a seven-year-old boy who has just moved to a city 900 kilometers from his hometown. However, things are not going the way he would like. Fitting into a class of 22 children who have known each other for a year is not easy at all, especially due to two bullies who make fun of him for his accent. Even the fabulous green shoes that he wanted so much and that dad gave him for his birthday only make the situation worse, arousing the envy of others! Luckily mom, dad and a very enterprising teacher have a brilliant idea that will change everything…
Stories for emotional education
The episodes described in Trainers green with envy tell us about situations of suffering and discomfort, but the adults – the parents and teachers present in the story – provide valuable advice and ideas on how we can act to intervene effectively, to face even the most difficult emotions to manage.
- A present from the Land of Toys
- New town, new life
- When sadness brings about seasickness
- A little step back
- With green trainers on your feet, you'll run like a snail
- If your heart is a pressure cooker
- Chocolate and cream cake and big smiles
- The top striker with green trainers
- Let's give envy a kick in the teeth
- The class turns green