Training to maintain cognitive functions in elderly people
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 21x29,7cm
Pages: 200
ISBN: 9788859021544
Publication date: 01/05/2020
Aging Actively is a manual for professionals and clinicians who work with the elderly. It provides innovative working materials to carry out cognitive training with the aim of keeping the memory of the elderly “in shape.”
This book proposes three preventive intervention programmes: «Metacognitive training», «Strategic training» and «Working memory training», for elderly people with typical aging or with initial fragile aging.
The manual is divided into two parts. The first part includes materials for the worker. The second part includes materials for the participant. The part for the worker describes the session activities for each of the three trainings (as well as a combined one). The part for the participant consists of activities, questionnaires, and response cards to be used for carrying out exercises proposed in the sessions, as well as materials for performing the exercises at home.
An online extension with numerous printable worksheets to be used when required is added to the previous two sections. Attached to the book, the authors instead propose numerous materials to be cut out (word lists) to build the “exercise book” to be used at home.
The trainings offered have a recurrent structure. Each one is composed of five sessions to be completed twice a week, with a duration of 30 minutes per session. Each session includes:
1. a discussion of the activity to be carried out at home (after the second appointment);
2. the specific training activities;
3. the assigning of the exercises to be completed at home.