Exercise workbook for overcoming depression

Daniele Piacentini, Daniela Leveni, Paolo Michielin

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 16,5x24cm

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9788859033523

Publication date: 01/09/2023


This workbook is a useful tool that helps people suffering from depression follow an 11-step programme to overcome depression. The proposed exercises aim to help the readers effectively and consciously recognise theit counterproductive behaviors and thoughts that fuel depression, allowing them to gradually regain their freedom and improve their quality of life.

The volume is divided into two parts. A first theoretical part explains what depression is and what the symptoms and causes are. The second one introduces the steps to be followed for facing and overcoming depressive disorders.

Exercise books for self-help
A series of workbooks to address one’s psychological disorders through specific and structured exercises that allow you to independently implement strategies and techniques used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. The Notebooks can be used by those who do not want to, or cannot, face a therapeutic programme as well as by clinicians to provide practice for their patients.

Presentation (by G. Melli)

FIRST SECTION - Define depression
Ch. 1 - What is depression?
Ch. 2 - The causes of depression
Ch. 3 - The link between thoughts and depression
Ch. 4 - Effective therapies

SECOND SECTION - Exercises to overcome depression
Step 1 – Assess and measure depression
Step 2 – Conceptualize your case
Step 3 – Modify counterproductive behaviors
Step 4 – Deal with problems in a structured way
Step 5 – Identify dysfunctional thoughts
Step 6 – Recognize cognitive distortions and question counterproductive thoughts
Step 7 – Identify and counteract dysfunctional claims and core beliefs
Step 8 – The perverse mechanism of rumination
Step 9 – Overcome excessive guilt
Step 10 – Strengthen the social network
Step 11 – Evaluate progress and prevent relapses


The Exercise Workbook for Overcoming Depression

The term "depression" has many meanings: it ranges from sadness and temporary despondency to more long-lasting, serious psychological conditions that cause great suffering. It is a disorder that not only affects moods and emotions, but also thoughts and behaviors. People suffering from depression experience great distress, despair and a sense of worthlessness, but thanks to the support of others and the use of effective treatments, it is possible to face and overcome it.


Exercise workbook for overcoming depression offers an 11-step self-help programme to help those who suffer from depression identify, understand and manage their depressive symptoms in a conscious and functional way. The volume is complete with exercises, questionnaires and activities inspired by international guidelines and the principles of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. The goal of this book is to reduce the symptoms associated with depression and improve the quality of life of people suffering from it.

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The first part of the book presents the necessary information on depression: what it is, the causes, and effective therapies to overcome it.

In the second part, 11 steps to take to deal with depression and overcome it are presented.


  1. Assess and measure depression;
  2. Conceptualise your case;
  3. Modify counterproductive behaviors;
  4. Address problems in a structured way;
  5. Identify dysfunctional thoughts;
  6. Recognise cognitive distortions and question counterproductive thoughts;
  7. Identify and counteract dysfunctional claims and core beliefs;
  8. The perverse mechanism of rumination;
  9. Overcome excessive guilt;
  10. Strengthen the social network;
  11. Evaluate progress and prevent relapses.

Leaf through some pages of the book which have been translated into English to facilitate your evaluation of the product.


Self-help exercise books is a new series of exercise workbooks designed to address personal psychological disorders through specific and structured exercises that allow you to independently implement strategies and techniques used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. The workbooks can be used by those who do not want to, or cannot, face a therapeutic program, but also by clinicians to provide exercises for their patients.

Each notebook of the series introduces the topic and explains the symptoms from a psychological point of view and suggests a programme of exercises and questionnaires to allow for self-intervention.

The other workbooks in the series:


Daniele Piacentini, is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. For 30 years he was responsible for a Psycho-Social Center in the province of Bergamo.

Daniela Leveni, is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Psychologist manager at the Mental Health Department of the ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII of Bergamo and teacher of the Italian Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy.

Paolo Michielin, is a psychologist, psychotherapist and contract professor of Diagnosis and psychological treatments of early psychosis at the Department of General Psychology of the University of Padua.