Fear of feeling

How to manage the "danger" of emotions

Product: Book

Trim size in cm: 14x22

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9788859000457

Publication date: 01/09/2012


Emotions are fundamental in everybody’s life—they help us evaluate situations and make decisions, they tell us how to organize our choices and adjust our behavior. So we can imagine emotions as flight instruments that indicate the speed rate, the fuel level and the altitude at which we are flying. Nevertheless, sometimes we prove to be bad pilot—because we  ignore our emotions, we go off course.

This book describes the many ways we devise to distort and deceive our emotions, and shows the negative consequences that this entails. Drawing on strategies from sensorimotor psychotherapy and from mindfulness techniques, the book presents practical exercises aimed at mastering body sensations and emotions that will help the reader to gradually overcome their fears.

Emotions are analyzed through techniques that don’t depend on conscious thinking, but are grounded in innate and spontaneous emotional and bodily processes. Even the most intense emotions can be gradually faced and can eventually be accepted without fear. Don’t let fear rule your life—you can make it, it is worth it!

–Why do we have emotions?
–Feeling and not feeling: «piloting» our emotions (Fear of knowing; Denying the facts; The arrogance of thought; Not respecting yourself; Not being able to fail; Fear of being swept away; Phony superiority, hypocrisy, envy and resentment)
– Emotions we are afraid of (Fear; Anger and aggressiveness; Sadness and solitude; Sexual desire; Guilt, inadequacy and shame)
– Ways of not feeling (Rationalising; Holding in; Disconnecting; Cheating death, Sense and the sacred…; … and pseudoliving; Depression; Addiction)
– Risking feeling: is it really worth being alive? (A port for listening, Permission to accept yourself; The ABC of feeling; One thing for another; Settling into confidence; Thinking with your body; Ready for yourself; Accepting yourself; With your feet on the ground; Walking with awareness; Rivers without bridges; The process of change; Emotions which are too intense?; Particular situations; How to go on?)