Stories of rebellion that exemplify the value of limits
Product: Book
Trim size in cm: 14x22
Pages: 240 colourful pages
ISBN: 9788861378872
Publication date: 01/11/2011
Suitable for: Nursery 1st Level (ages 3-4), Nursery 2nd Level (ages 4-5), Primary 1st level (ages 6-7), Primary 2nd level (ages 8-10)
Rights sold to:
China Mainland
«One day in the peaceful village of Vieti, suddenly a howl broke out: “Enooough!”. It was the children of that village who, out of the blue, started screaming all together. They were protesting because they were dead tired of always hearing the word “don’t” constantly fly out of the mouth of grown-ups. So they decided to rebel, and it was a real rebellion, not a joke! They started marching on the street with banners saying in capitals: “IT IS FORBIDDEN
This is how it all began: a group of children, tired of hearing from others what you must/must not do, decide to overturn their parents’ rules. From now on “you must” will become “you must not”: “you must not brush your teeth”, “you must not tidy up”, “you must not eat vegetables”, “you must not go to bed early”. It is up to Gino—a quirky and solitary man—to make the little rebels reflect upon the importance of rules and the use of limits. He will accomplish this by telling funny and revealing stories. This book will help pre-school and primary school children understand and appreciate the importance or rules. It will also help parents to see children’s point of view and apply rules fairly.
- Forbidding is forbidden
- Gino's magic
- Cleaning your teeth is forbidden (The spider-eating witch)
- Cleaning your shoes is forbidden (The distracted butler)
- Tidying up is forbidden (The general Jessica)
- Turning the TV off is forbidden (Carlo's loves)
- Eating vegetables is forbidden (The minestrone princess)
- Fastening seatbelts is forbidden (The sea of danger)
- Saying hello is forbidden (Homages to your Lordship)
- Going to bed early is forbidden (Sleeping beauty at the supermarket)
- Getting bored is forbidden (Windy city)
- Being quiet is forbidden (The glass castle)
- Reading is forbidden (The magic sentence)
- Working is forbidden (The president)
- Waiting is forbidden (The yellow bus)
- Telling the truth is forbidden (An exceptional piece of news)
- Crying is forbidden (The tear collector)
- Needing help is forbidden
- Remembering is forbidden (A magic trick for Jack)
- Being afraid is forbidden (Travel mates)
- Growing up is forbidden (The little king)
- Dying is forbidden (The mythical Go slowly)
- Forbidding is forbidden (I lower the standard)
- Travelling
- Forbidden